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Java should be up to date, so yes, install the update. Though less and less sites are using it (vulnerability issues). In Firefox you can get a warning that the page is asking for java, so you can allow it or not.

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Be carefull, some pop-up "Updates" carry viruses with them, (ask my Wife who just had to fork out £40 to get a nasty little trojan removed that piggy backed an Adobe Flash Player update last week). She was not happy as had to break into her christmas savings to get it sorted.

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Be carefull, some pop-up "Updates" carry viruses with them, (ask my Wife who just had to fork out £40 to get a nasty little trojan removed that piggy backed an Adobe Flash Player update last week). She was not happy as had to break into her christmas savings to get it sorted.


Just got caught with one of them myself, luckily MS Essentials got it. No telling if it got anything or caused any damage yet.  :(

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My wife recently ended up with the CryptoLocker 2.0 ransomware virus on a brand new PC, less than a month old. They encrypt your documents and data files and leave an ominous note in each directory affected. They will give you the 256 private key for about $300 worth of BitCoins. We elected to send the PC back to the vendor instead, since it was still in the 30 day return period. Was tempted to take out the hard drive and put it on the anvil and give it a little re-formatting with a 3# hammer, but resisted the temptation.

Yes, I do have an anvil.


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Re the Java updates, and Adobe and any others, if I get pop-up or a browser window that suddenly says an update is needed I immediately bail out of it. If it's been a while since I've updated, I'll go to the website associated with the app, navigating there on my own. I check the relevant site instead of responding to an "urgent" message. The cretins are getting better and better about making their phony stuff look real and official.


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My wifes PC got it too, probably through those game sites she likes to visit or through Facebook. The sons of whores raped all her document files in the blink of an eye. At least they were nice enough to place her pictures onto an album in her Facebook account. Still caused us lots of problems so it didn't fully make up for the trouble they caused. :gaah:

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John's advice is very good; i do the same thing when i run an update

(there are no update popups on my workstation; they've all been disabled)


i will go to java.com and download the latest revision manually and run it locally

always look through each "next" window you click

one or some of them will have free install offers

always opt out of those, never let them install

if you did by accident, remove them ASAP


all other updated are ignored until a feature gets broken


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We elected to send the PC back to the vendor instead, since it was still in the 30 day return period. Was tempted to take out the hard drive and put it on the anvil and give it a little re-formatting with a 3# hammer, but resisted the temptation.

Why didn't you just reformat and reinstall the OS John. Or, most PC's have back up discs or come with the facility to make them. Quicker than sending it back and waiting for a replacement I would have thought.

Personally I use Acronis. Quick and easy.

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I am going with John's advice from now on, that virus I just got was a pain in the butt. Between MS Essentials(Win7) and Malwarebytes many of my security settings have been changed and I am scurrying around trying to figure out how to restore everything back to the way it was. Not knowing computers is a real deficit in these situations. Ugg :(

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To be honest Brett, if it was a major infection, you will get peace of mind if you reformat and reinstall the OS.


But as I said, I would recommend Acronis, you can make an image of your entire system, easy then to restore everything back to the way it was. All add-on's all drivers, all updates, all software, all in one go.

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Thanks Martin, sounds like a last resort type of thing as everything would need to be reinstalled. That would be a large undertaking, it took hours just to add the last FTXVectors update. :D

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Have just updated Java on my laptop to (I presume it is its latest version) & it has resolved so many problems with some web sites, although I never had these problems on my desk-top pc which has been using a Java version 3 or more years old. Lap-top uses Windows 7-64 Standard, but desk-top uses Win 7-64 Pro.


Do think that software is out of control with all the variances of MS OS systems in use these days - in particular the OS memory control of the PC. Microsoft's OS systems have never been correctly controlling memory since my first experience of Windows 3.1 to the present day - hence the OOM's that so many people experience in FSX - never experienced these memory usage problems with the multitude of other non MS OS systems I used over the years.


Nice to see that the Android OS is so transparent to users of tablets or smartphones that most of these issues are hidden - would Android have free automatic updates if Microsoft was its developer?





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If you don't need Java get rid of it, a nasty vector for exploits.  What do you guys use Java for, is it needed to run MS Flight Simulator?  





  That's a solution too. Anyway, don't ever use the browser pop-ups to update anything, be that java, flash or whatnot. Usually there is a boar inside of those "offers".

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