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Gatwick's Second Runway

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"Going to hell in a hand basket" comes to mind. Humankind will not think its way out of this mess. The crisis will come and some may survive. Strangely enough, the current cult in zombie-ism is preparing us for the ordeal ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you...

I guess, at this point, most of you will have stopped reading this post. I'm not asking you to change, just think on't.

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:

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The way this planet is going, with all the terrorism, environmental issues, socio-economic problems etc, I really dread to think what the place will be like when my young nieces and nephew will grow up in. Whatever we do it seems the human race has already pressed the self destruct button. I for one will be glad that I won't be around to see it happen! To quote a certain Queen song, "Who wants to live forever?" I certainly don't that's for sure, a few times over the last few years I thought my time was up, I was quite looking forward to it to be honest. But in this modern world science can keep almost anyone alive, only for the respective governments to keep them in conditions that even pigs would walk away from! If those poor souls who fought in WW1 could see what the world has become since, many would quite rightly say, Was it all worth it? :(

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