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This that and the Oculus Rift

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Hi Guys, it was nice meeting some of you at the Cosford Show and Brian that panel you have built should be hanging in the Tate gallery it is a real masterpiece. The stepdaughter took the wife to Blackpool that weekend so I had all the time in the world, typical American tourists and she did comment regarding the show that she didn't realise you could get so many nerds in one place at one time :)


I have been trying out the Oculus Rift DK2 with P3D and after a bit of setting up to get the best out of my eye sight or should I say lack of it and I feel that for me it is definitely the way forward, even with the lower resolution it looks absolutely amazing. The first thing I wanted to do is reach out and touch the cockpit and the feeling of altitude is something that really gives you a feeling of actually flying. There are still issues but I have had few problems. The wife tried on the headset to see what it was all about and she was totally blown away with what she saw. I soon got to know where my keyboard was and with the right controllers there is no problem with controls and one thing I did notice that using the click spots is much easier. The guy that did the software to connect P3D to the Oculus Rift did a fantastic job you can even enlarge the cockpit to make it life size. I am sure there will be plenty of critics out there regarding Virtual Reality but after using the Oculus Rift even in its present form no way could I go back to a monitor.



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Hi John,

Good to hear from you and thanks very much for your kind words vis-a-vis my panel. Much appreciated.

I tried the Oculus Rift at the show and I was also of the same mind as yourself.

I cant wait for the retail rRift to hit the shelves, I will be getting one for sure.

Glad you enjoyed the show.

I spent the following week down in Shropshire, staying in a hired cottage, so I had my panel with me all week, with nothing to plug it in to.

The TV was up on the wall so it would reach my panel, bummer.

The wife would not have enjoyed it too much if I'd have taken over the tv anyhow. :D

Looking forward to the next show, which I may be attending as a visitor rather than exhibiting my panel. I didn't get a chance to look around the show, so missed out a bit.

Ah well, next time.

Cheers and good luck with your O'Rift. (jealous)

Regards :thum:

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she didn't realise you could get so many nerds in one place at one time :)


I'd say Cosford has nothing on ComiCon in the US as far as visitors/nerds go... different kind of nerds though  ;)


Still a bit bummed out that I couldn't make it to the show. Fingers crossed it's a more favorable time of the month next year as the workload combined with the long trip down from Sweden made it impossible for me to take some time off....

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