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A real top class world leader

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Unlike the little tin pot  tossers that run the west at the moment this man is, and will be great, I knew his father who was equally an amazing man to juggle world politics as he did. Now his son has a pivotal part to play with IS causing the sh-t they are, and they have just upset the wrong man. King Abdullah profits from not only the best education one could get , but he is world wise, and also deeply humble like his Dad was, and a true man of the world, hope he succeeds in his quest.

In case you dont know him watch this video,






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Okay, he's an action man, but what makes you think he will be a superb leader? How would you define a "great" leader?

I would say such a thing is impossible to predict. Especially when you consider he has a super tuff task to deal with, namely the situation in the middle east.

He sounds good on paper, claiming to be edging the country toward democracy, but so far democratic development has been limited, with the monarchy maintaining most power and its allies dominating parliament.

I'm waiting to see if this gets locked. My topic was the other day. I'm told this isn't a political discussion forum. Or is that just UK politics?

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