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Son of Guess the Airport

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Exactly right! Nice work!

I thought the clues about Missouri, Utah and Arizona would have everyone digging around on the US Gulf Coast for a day or so. I was referring to the battleships, not the states. All three are at Ford Island - the Missouri intact, the other two as wrecks (and monuments). Obviously that didn't fool you.

Your turn...


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:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

You can't keep a good dog down!!

Thanks Marcus, here is the next, hopefully not as "easy" as the last one!

2 shots from default FS plus one from an addon scenery shot if it helps.






The airfield is about 1 mile asl.

There is a new runway longer than the one seen here but not modelled in any sim or Google Earth as it is probably classified or too new! It wasn't completed until about 18 months ago but can take a 747 or similar.

Most people should have heard of this airfield as it is often in the news.

Good luck, another clue tomorrow if no answers :eyebrow:

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So, here we are, waiting for the sun to rise and our breakfast to digest.....


It's pretty bleak, here in FSX - no second runway yet...... But the farmers' market is thriving (according to Google, anyway)......

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

BTW - it was Pam what suggested the answer!!

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Hi John,

You are correct as I am sure Dai is too looking at the filename of his screenshot :cool:

Hopefully Dai should be on this morning and have another airfield to post?


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