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Spitfire racer around Shoreham.

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Apologies for all the shots I keep posting but I have have been snapping again :yes:

This time in the Real Air Spitfire for FSX, a truly remarkable aircraft.

This is a fictional repaint, it's a Mk XIV 'Reno Racer' featuring a contra-rotating propeller and powered by a highly tuned Griffon engine producing 3000hp. This model Includes modern civilian instruments in place of the ww2 era instruments, a shame in my opinion.

I decided to go for a very quick spin, TrackIR and Active Sky running, Shoreham is not that far away from me, the weather looks about right :yes:

If you get bored you have my permission to yawn!

I have started this very powerful engine, oh wow, what a sweet sound!


The iconic art deco terminal behind me, unfortunately the clock has stopped as you will see later.


We are taking the grass 20 not the tarmac 20 today.


Final checks for traffic, tower said we are the only one around at the moment but you can never be too sure.


The contra props really make steering this thing down the runway a breeze! After rumbling down the strip I wish I had John's ButtKicker installed!


Climbing up to my favourite place...


For a bit of cloud dodging.


This is where the TracKIR comes into it's own..


With a short movement of my head I am all consumed in the cloud!


But not too close, the Real Air model really delivers buffeting with attitude!


This shows the contra prop and clipped wings off nicely.


WHOA! I'm not going through that! Time for a steep turn and dive :mrhappy:


Back into the clear air.


Heading for home I have over-spent my budget for fuel already!


Heading downwind for two zero.


Gear going down, turning base.


On base, checking my altitude, the circuit height is 1100 but need more than that to clear the South Downs safely on approach.


Turning onto final.


About two miles out for a nice steady approach.


Brickworks off to the right I think?


I sense admiring eyes from the A27 below!


Uneventful landing, plenty of runway, I decide to exit stage left way before the taxiway.


Being a good boy I join the "official" route.


Back to my parking position, I am letting her settle down whilst I carry out my checks.


See, time stands still here!


thanks for looking.

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Very nicely done. You're right about the BK. It really adds to the experience. I haven't fired up the JF Spitfire with it yet. I need to try that.

Anyway, I enjoyed your flight. No one will ever accuse you of being a fair-weather pilot.


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Mut, those clouds are absolutely stunning! were you using FE that you told us about?

Infact, I love every add on you have used for these shots they really are superb, you must have a really top-end system!

A big round of applause for you I think, well deserved as these are mind blowing shots :yes:

Keep snapping Mut! we want more! :mrhappy:

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Thanks for the great comments chaps!

Luke, yes this is Flight Environment X with the 4094 x 4096 resolution cumulus. You should see them at full size it is jaw dropping stuff and really has no impact whatsoever on my system.

As I fly mostly GA and not complicated aircraft simulations like PMDG I get no stuttering, I run with FSX fixed at 22 and that's what I get beautiful and smooth I rarely use FS9 although I still keep it installed.

I did recently upgrade to a quadcore intel and 9800GX2 graphics card so that hoes help I suppose.

Here is a fullsize clickable version of # 6 Steve :mrhappy:



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