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Hiring crew let go from another AH company

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Has anyone any information on what happens to aircrew who get furloughed from an AH company?


I had to let a real good pilot go due to lack of time assigning workload, lack of a larger aircraft, and too high a salary for ROI. She was a 100%'er who hadn't bent any tin for a long, long time. Regrets all around. 


I was sort of hoping her name would go back into the pilot hiring pool and I could snap her up for my NZ company. Hasn't turned up yet. She flew for me out of CYCD and CYYJ.


Alicia Mason did 333 jobs and hauled 485,000 lbs of cargo in a C208 for a 99% Job fee vs Paid and a 100% Average cargo condition. She brought in $5+M. It's just a shame that I couldn't afford to buy her a real airplane. 


Keep an eye open for her. If she turns up back in the pool, grab her (figuratively).

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I think they just go back in the bit bucket, March. I believe he has a table of first names, a table of last names; the names get selected at random as do their attributes. The name COULD come up again but the chances of having the same rating would be pretty slim.

If he's got 100 first names and 100 last names, that's 10,000 possible unique pilot IDs.


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The only way to hang onto a great AI like that might be to just scale that company down to one plane, and that one pilot. Then Move him/her to wherever you would like to open up a new company, sell your old base/s (and take the Reputation hit for that)...rename the company, and start again from there. Cept that puts all your other pilots on the Jobless list, and kills a decent company.

I rarely consider a pilot's pay except when hiring them...after they are in, it's just part of the bills. Pilots that don't break planes don't get "Codes" attached to their names (Mary Never Breaks, Tom Scratchalot@!, Bill Breaksoften $#@, Tom Trashedaplane $$$, Frank Firehimnow $%^&*) Essentially, after a large repair they get a "higher value puntuation mark"...pilots with several High Marks get fired.


I agree, that a good one like "Mary Rarely Breaks!" is hard to find.

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