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"Out of Africa": a series of sim cockpit flights (747, 777, and 737), for charity

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I hope you don't mind my mentioning another site for once, since this is for charity. It's also entirely On Topic for the Hangar (well, for those of us here who vly serious aircraft as opposed to little puddle-jumpers, anyway).   :P   If there's any problem, please delete it.



This weekend (starting on Friday August 7th and ending on Sunday August 9th) SimfestUK will be doing an "Out of Afica" (and back to Blighty, in the form of London Heathrow) series of 17 flights. This year they are supporting the "Cure Parkinson's Trust" (and will be doing so again when Worldflight comes around again from October 31st to November 7th). Their 747 sim, based not far from me, here in Hampshire (that's the original Hampshire in England, of course) is being used for five of the flights this weekend, with their 777 and 737 sims in use for the others. All sectors will be on VATSIM.


The 747-400 sim consists of a full-sized cockpit 90% of which was constructed with genuine Boeing ex-747 parts, and if you'd like a preliminary look at it you will find a couple of links to vids in this post: http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/14522-cosford-2014-report/page-2#entry139592 


The main SimfestUK page is here: http://www.simfest.co.uk/pfpx


The proposed legs (and schedule of times) can be found here: http://www.simfest.co.uk/out-of-africa


(Also available on the site is a pdf download of the Route Guidance Manual for the trips of the first two days — the African sectors — written by a former BA 747 Training Captain — I'll let you discover it).    ;)


The streams during the event can be viewed at: http://www.twitch.tv/simfestuk







a.k.a. brian747

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<grin>  If you take a look at one of their sessions, Brett, I think you'll find that they aren't *entirely* serious!   ^_^


And recently, when asked  to what extent they will be utilising PSX's huge array of random malfunction generators, the reply (from an ex-BA Training Captain) was "We have a built-in random malfunction slider due to collective incompetence!"


(But you'll be able to judge that for yourself, too).   ;)






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