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I am going to install a new GPU so just checking a few things.

Delete shaders in FSX and P3D.

Uninstall graphics drivers.

Should I uninstal all the other nvidia stuff like I think its called geforce experiance or something similar.

Any other tips you may have from experiance of your own upgrades welcome.

Do I do anything to DX10 fixer before ir after?

Next upgrade will be my RAM currently 8gb but only at 1600... thats for septembers budget though...

Appreciate any advice..I am ok with tech I did build PC myself but getting old now so may be forgetting stuff...


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Hi Wayne.


I recently upgraded my GPU too, all I had to do is replace the board, power up and download the latest nVidia driver for my card. 


The driver update will include all the latest updates to Geforce Experience etc.


I have Steve's fixer too and don't remember having to make any changes, however, assuming you are getting a more powerful card you may be able to increase the quality settings within the fixer itself. I would recommend you read the user manual to get the best out of it.





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Hi, Wayne!


It seems I'm probably too late to be of any help (I was out, yesterday, and not back 'til late), but FWIW the procedure I use to update my NVidia drivers (in the light of some bad experiences in the past) is this:—



* Create a RESTORE POINT first!
* Export (specifically named to something different that you can recognise!) your current FSX Inspector settings, too. 
* Download the latest update (or the one you want), and then NEVER USE EXPRESS INSTALL, always Custom.
* Uncheck any un-needed stuff - (in my case) nVidia Audio driver, maybe 3D vision driver and controller driver.
  (i.e. You should definitely have ticks against Graphics Driver and PhysX System Software).
  ((Which doesn't seem to stop it from downloading the other stuff anyway, but it's worth a try)).
* But ALWAYS CLICK "Perform a clean installation" AND MAKE SURE THERE'S A TICK AGAINST IT!!!
After installation, right-click on desktop and select nVidia Control Panel. Check the version(s), and that all the stuff you wanted is installed: 
Then REBOOT before resetting anything which may have been disturbed — Surround settings, check/import Inspector settings, etc.
But there's one additional and generic piece of advice which I would strongly recommend —
I follow this procedure for ordinary driver updates, as well as GPU changes. (As you may judge from the plethora of capital letters, I Have Suffered...).    ;)
Just my 2ȼ....     :)
a.k.a. brian747
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But there's one additional and generic piece of advice which I would strongly recommend —



How does one accomplish/prevent that?
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Hi John!


Well this one does it by simply hiding any updates of that sort that Windoze presents to me so that I won't be bothered with them again.


They usually appear in the "Optional" (a.k.a. 'almost invariably not wanted', IMHO) section, which makes life easier. (I always click the option to check what anything in that dubious category is supposed to do, anyway, which is how I've also avoided any of Windoze X's "helpful" reminders in the task bar).


It's that old thing about the price of liberty being eternal vigilance, I guess.     ;)








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My apologies, John - quite honestly I had completely forgotten that it's even possible to allow Micro$oft to automatically install anything they like. (Sometimes I think I've been a techie for too long!)

Yes indeed, I meant exactly what you said. As a general rule I tend to be willing to consider allowing the ordinary updates, e.g. "security updates" (such a pity they didn't design security into the O/S from the ground up, as proper Operating Systems do) and also to disallow the optional updates, but as I said if needed I always take the option to view Micro$oft's somewhat dubious description of what the update does before deciding whether to allow it onto my disk.

You paid your money, now you get the opportunity to take your choice. :)



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So I had a slight issue with P3D and a CTD.. however I have now had 3 40min flights and approx 2 hours testing and deliberately trying to induce a crash...but nothing....however a non flight program called ETS2 is crashing regularly...that uses mods made by the community so maybe one of those is screwing with the system...

Any suggestions as to if there is anything I can check to see if there are any conflicts or things maybe left behind from the old card?



PS I will try other stuff to see if there are any more CTDs but I am goping P3D was a glitch and ETS2 is the mods which I will disable....

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