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Time to get the Baton moving again!


Apologies for the delay, real world issues took priority last week and over the weekend, but now it's time to start hauling the blue stuff around the world again.


The legs in this section is as follows




All legs but leg 42 is open for bidding. I've taken the liberty to assign leg 42 to a newcomer to the ATWC to provide an easy start for a slightly nervous lass. (Make sure she feels welcome once we get there lads!!)


We will start accepting bids for the section at 06:00 UTC on October 13th. So ponder on, and set your e-mail accounts on sending those bids in bright and early tomorrow morning.


As usual only bids sent to atwc@mutleyshangar.com will be considered when assigning flights, and if you bid for leg 44 make sure you include the type of plane you intend to use so we can make sure it meets the restriction imposed on the leg.


If you fear that the leg you've got your sights homed in on might be a popular one, don't forget that you can include more than one leg in your bid as well.


Let's get this baton to Brazil!



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24 hours in, and half the flights are assigned.


So far the assignments looks like this.


Leg 41: Unassigned

Leg 42: Steph (hlminx)

Leg 43: John Guest

Leg 44: Kasper Hanselman

Leg 45: Kieran Marshall

Leg 46: Pete White

Leg 47: Unassigned

Leg 48: Unassigned

Leg 49: Unassigned

Leg 50: Unassigned


I will pick up one leg as well, unless the amount of bids surges as a result of this post ;)


To those that have an assignement, get planning, and to the rest, get your bids in before it's to late!


Cheers for now


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Almost there, just need someone to take the first leg off my hands.


I'll give those that have yet to bid another 24 hours before I assign it either to myself or to one of the others that have made a bid for it but were assigned to another flight.


Assignments so far.

Leg 41: Unassigned

Leg 42: Steph (hlminx)

Leg 43: John Guest

Leg 44: Kasper Hanselman

Leg 45: Kieran Marshall

Leg 46: Pete White

Leg 47: Matt Gardner

Leg 48: Joe Lawford

Leg 49: Brian Buckley

Leg 50: Mikael Stockfors

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