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I would appreciate any help with this one, I keep flying straight over the airports even though I am told Localiser captured and Glideslope captured....could someone please post a picture of what needs to go into the RADNAV page of the MCDU.... I am a little confused as to what goes there...I make all my plans for the 320 in PFPX....the 320 is by Aerosoft... I am also confused about the updates, if I update the 320 but the info in sim (p3d) is different then what do I need to do to correct this (freqs)...what I usually do is just turn off the AP and manually fly in and land,  however yesterday I was coming into LFPO having captured both LOC and GS but we didnt follow the GS, I may have been too high so that may be a problem there, anyway as my FPS went down with the scenery she was a complete pain to fly by hand, very hard landing....everything else on this AC is going fine for me but this one last thing....I have read the manual and have flown the tutorials several times and only twice have I got her to follow the GS......thanks for any help



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Well Wayne, I tried some research to try and help you but didn't understand a thing I read.:huh:


Hopefully Jess or one of the other Airbus experts will chime in. :help: 

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Yeah I gound google to be a bit hit n miss on this... however I watched a A320 cockpit dvd and the pilot explained that in RADNAV if you put ILS code in, the MCDU automatically inputs the correct freqs and course...for example I think I put IBON in for EGGD as per Johns charts and it input info for me...couple that with using the correct STAR and following the steps down on the flightplan I was at the correct height on capture of GS...all came together perfectly and was great as I came out of the clouds at about 1000ft to see the runway...I even gave out a cheer...



Now one more thing..they recommend updating AIRAC data but I think this only updates the Bus so what happens regarding P3D?..will that not be out of date?...where would I look to see if they are both the same?...

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The only aircraft I have that uses Airac data is the PMDG 737. That data is in C:/FSX/PMDG/NAVDATA. Depending on the location of your SIM it will be in a similar sub-directory. As far as I can tell, P3D mimics the file structures of FSX. Do a search for "NAVDATA" on the drive that holds your SIM files - that ought to track it down.

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I always wondered about updating the Airac data myself and thought that you are basically flying on invisible waypoints and still need to make sure your FMC or other, has the correct FSX/P3D runway and ILS freq. I'm probably wrong though.:huh:

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I'm pretty sure the Airac Data is specific to the simulation(s) you're using. F'rinstance PMDG has a database that is shipped with the aircraft you buy. See the path noted in a previous post. For all I know, it's the same for all PMDG airplanes, but don't hold me to that because I only have the 737-800/900. The other sim that I have that uses (something like) Airac Data is the Majestic Dash 8 Q 4000. Unfortunately, that sim is not loaded to my laptop, so I can't check for you. The FMC on the Dash 8 and the 737 are not the same animal by any stretch. They may use the same Airac cycle if you have one loaded. To answer your question with respect to correct freqs and headings: I don't think the stock FSX (and possibly P3D) stuff uses any of this info. The stock Airbus and 737 in FSX don't have an FMC modelled.


At one point in time, I got real keen on the tube 'o chairs routine and started to purchase current Airac Data for the 737. I gave up on that after a time because it was getting expensive and I couldn't see the logic behind it unless I was going to fly virtual airlines. Be aware that it isn't just the FMC data that needs to be updated, it's charts and approach plates and the whole nine yards. There was a software package that I had to load when buying the Airac stuff and (if memory serves) it needed to be informed of the paths to any aircraft that were to use the data. That leads me to believe that the Airac update is not specific to individual aircraft, but more that it is available to any aircraft that can use the data.



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Ok thanks Quick.. sounds like it could be usefoul to update but like u say it can get expensive... as long as the data I put into the mcdu matches whats in P3D all should be ok...I cant see the need to update Airac for my Bus if the info in P3D isnt changed to... I think this is giving me a headache...thanks for taking the time to check I have looked in my P3D folders and there is a Navdatapro folder that came with the bus its 2013 update I think...so has that also updated the sim?....

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Don't know about updating the sim, but you can check by loading the FMC and the start-up page will probably tell you which cycle it's using. That's the case with the PMDG, for sure. If I look in the directory that I noted, previously, there's a file named "NAVDATA". However, there's also another file (obviously a backup that I've renamed) called "NAVDATA 1411" which is likely the 11th cycle of 2014 which might be the last one I updated. There's also another file called "SIDSTARS" and a corresponding "SIDSTARS 1411".

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