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Hi folks, been away for a few days. My computer decided to throw a wobbly and during a transfer of files managed to "lose" a whole folder of photos. All it had to do was transfer some picture files from one external drive to another, but for some reason, one of the most important ones got lost in the process. It was a file containing about 10 years of holiday snaps plus things from various airshows and days out. My PC techie had the machine and both external drives for several days and he threw everything at them but without success. I've managed to salvage about 90% of the photos from my Facebook albums, but they only contained the ones i'd uploaded previously, there were hundreds more that were not uploaded so unless I contact one of the Forensic companies to trawl the drives I can assume them lost permanently sadly. ( The forensic companies charge upwards of £300 and there's a waiting list for their services.) There are also some Videos that I cannot retreive off of FB in spite of trying several different apps. Anyway, got the PC back now and also got a Laptop so that I can transfer most of my online work to that and used this desktop for simming. Ah well, back to the cockpit! LOL.

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Sorry to hear the bad news Alan, that's a sad loss.:(


Call me a caveman but I still burn all my pics and vids to DVD's. What a difference from the old film cameras to the digital age, my wife has taken so many pictures that I don't think our kids will ever get through them all when we're gone, a big difference from my parent's ten photo albums that spanned three generations. ^_^

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Hey Al', 

Thats awful news. Wifey and I know only too well how you feel, back in the days when we had paper photographs we managed to lose a case full of family and relatives pics, which were unreplaceable as the negatives were in the same suitcase. It happened during moving houses and we never did find them. 

So I hope somehow you manage to retrieve them in the near future.



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What a nightmare!  Really sorry to hear that and understand how devastating that can be.  I have a couple of digital photo frames and have about 6,000 images cycling through them, many of them old family photos.  It's a rare day that I don't see one that puts a smile on my face remembering someone, somewhere, sometime.  


Good luck with whatever further recovery methods you choose to go after.  It sounds like you've salvaged most of it at least, and that's a plus.



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I hope this helps:

If it was a windows machine, the method that is used for "erasing" things is simply to over-write the first letter of the filename with another character or a blank. That way the file allocation table no longer looks for the file. If the loss was not due to something like a physical disk error, you just may recover your photos with a lot of work. 

I've used a number of file recovery software packages in the past. One recommendation I can make is: stay away from the "free" stuff. You, generally, get what you pay for.

Sorry to hear of your problem. I hope you can solve it without a large cash outlay.


Edit: Sorry I forgot my suggested link - see: https://datarecovery.wondershare.com/recover-data/list-of-best-file-recovery-software.html

Edited by Quickmarch
forgot link
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One bit of good news, I've managed to download all the Videos that were on FB so at least I have those again. The rest of the pics I'll try and retrieve at a later date.I have the important ones that had pics of family and friends, some of whom have now passed away. At least that's one less thing to fret about.

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It's a gut-wrenching feeling, and not confined to digital images. I lost 8 years worth of photos, negatives and slides during a house move: every picture I took between the age of about 12 and 20, including holidays, family events, first trips away on my own, every single picture of my first girlfriend . . . lots of precious memories just gone.


Hope you manage to get some more of them back.

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