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So I'm undecided just now if I want the titan or the chieftain from alabeo. I might end up not getting either but the thought is there :)


So what do people think which one is better? 


I love the wings of the chieftain but not so keen on the glass cockpit. I love the steam gauges in the titan but external model is not as nice imo.


Also, in terms of performance will the glass cockpit have more of a negative impact? 


I'm also thinking about using this for air hauler so further input here too is very much welcomed.


Cheers guys n' gals


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I think its going to be the titan just because I'm not a fan of glass cockpits. I love the cockpit and the buttons etc of the chieftain, just a shame that it has a glass cockpit. 


Going to give it a blast I think :)

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1 hour ago, wain said:

I have the Titan, I like it so much in P3D that I bought it again for Xplane......


I have started her up and taken off but not landed yet - interruptions got in the way. It will be perfect for a bit of air hauler action I think.

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Landed at Welshpool today it was great no surprises and slowed down quicker than I expected too.


Still need to import it in air hauler but I guess it's going to be my main workhorse. 


Cheers guys

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1 hour ago, Corsaire31 said:

My AH Titan operates with cruise speed 163 / Fuel 31 Gal/Hr / Range 1840 nm

Ok I'll probably use this but tweak the range as I like short range flights. Might start this in the stream later tonight. 


Thanks mate I appreciate your help :)

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Why would you need to tweak the range ?  This is the max range which AH uses to calculate max flight time, and is also related to Gal/Hr.


Max range (nm) divided by cruise speed (knots) = max flight time (Hrs)        Total fuel load (Gal ) divided by max flight time (Hrs) = fuel consumption per hour (Gal)

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Because I like short range jobs and if I keep the range the same AH2 will generate jobs that are too long for my liking. I understand it all adds up and the plane can go further but I don't want lots of long range flights. 

I'll see how it goes I think. 

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Yeah I have done this and I have kept the original range - see what kind of jobs are generated. Did the type rating and a cargo job last night with the Titan, great stuff and quite easy to get a greaser in that plane :)

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I keep the range down and usually end up with a load of jobs from 37nm to about 350nm, I can then chose depending on my time, which currently is very limited.... have to work hard to pay the mortgage but want more fly time......

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18 hours ago, wain said:

I keep the range down and usually end up with a load of jobs from 37nm to about 350nm, I can then chose depending on my time, which currently is very limited.... have to work hard to pay the mortgage but want more fly time......


Exactly the same reason why I wanted to reduce the range - in Air Hauler I found even when I set the slider to short trips or whatever, it would still be too long for my liking. So I used to set range like you and have smaller trips.

I am going to try the sliders in AH2 first and then if that is not great I will move the range.

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