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Post 900 plus a few!

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Hi all!

Post 900 has come - heading for 1000!

Anyway, time for a TED by United flight, using the trusty Airbus A320.

Model is freeware by IFDG in FS9 and the panel is by ??

I'll try to provide as much commentry as I can as I did this flight about 4 months ago!

I lost the 1st taxi shots, so here we are taxing





Looking over the wing


Next for take-off


Cleared for take-off




Gear up


Last sight of TED


Looking back at about 7000ft


Climbing into the clean air


Cruising now, as we will for about 2 hours






Getting dark now as we desend


Gear down


Full landing config


Bit low


Touch-down way off centre


Everything hanging


Back to taxi





Parked up at sunset



It's a shame that United suspended TED flights due to fuel cost


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