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New freeware Sabre.

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These freeware artists must be pleased when you do an edit on their work, because it makes it look 10x better than it actually is!

Well done, steve...a really fantastic edit there...I particularly like the glint on the top of the glass! :sad:


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Cheers guys.

The starter truck is actually there to start your aircraft and plugs in. The helmet on the wing is part of the fully shutdown scene. When you see the animated pilot in the pit he looks real. Be warned though, this thing can be fragile if mistreated. You can wreck hydraulics, cause fires and flameouts. Its a peach! FSX soon too.

Dai shes on Avsim. Just search F-86 its the e/f model.


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Steve, that once again is a mindblowing edit, it bends my mind :stars: just how you get it right to make FS look real.

I have looking forward to the release of this bird for some weeks now, the sad part is I get the news of it's release on a morning that I am at work, well it gives me something to look forward to for the end of my day, but it does make it tough to focus on my work for the day. :dance2:

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