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I saw the movie and thought it was pretty good, not totally factual but entertaining nonetheless. I went in with the understanding that Hollywood does what it does to make a story more interesting like vilifying the toolbag running the NTSB investigation and not scaring the crap out of the audience with the true volume of all the warning sounds.:scare: Still an amazing story that showed the professionalism of the cockpit, crew and rescuers, icing on the cake was they all survived.:hat:

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3 hours ago, brett said:

Still an amazing story that showed the professionalism of the cockpit, crew and rescuers, icing on the cake was they all survived.:hat:

Well thanks a bunch Brett, you've just told me the ending. 

Thats completely ruined it for me, so I won't bother going to watch it now.

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I saw the movie too last week and I've got to say that although I thought Clint and Co. did a pretty good job, it was nowhere near as immersive and thought provoking as the book Highest Duty, which I read a few years back.. If you haven't read it, I would definitely recommend it as you get a real sense of what a line pilot's life is like, even down to the fact Sully had to buy his own lunch as the airline didn't provide for the flight crew, while the paying passengers are well catered for..


Unlike the total witch hunt experienced by Peter Burkill after the BA 777 crash at Heathrow, Sully and Skiles weren't totally thrown to the wolves, and the movie does portray that in parts, but the film does go some way to show how their stories were disputed by the FAA, NTSB etc.and how they defended their actions. I did have to laugh at the total fiasco of the NTSB hearing scenes though, what a load of  :censored:.. almost seems like they were there just to appease the establishment.


Having read the book and now seen the movie, I hope that the latter acts as a prompt for some to hunt out the book (and, incidentally, the one by Peter Burkill which is also a very sobering read), and appreciate the dedication and experience of those who choose a life in the cockpit.


Tip: See the movie first and then read the book.. if you do it the other way around, you'll inevitably be disappointed by Hollywood's meddling!

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3 hours ago, needles said:

STEPH! Glad you're back with us. We've missed you. Hope you're ok and your flight PC is behaving itself. :thum:


I've dropped the hint to Kate about Sullys book so I hope it will be under the Christmas tree.

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