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My Traffic 2013 or MyTraffic 6

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I'm looking at My Traffic 2013 , sold by Aerosoft (33.57 Euros or 22.95 Euros to upgrade from MT2010, which I have) on the Aerosoft site...




...MyTraffic 6 marketed at SimMarket (29.90 Euros).  


Interestingly, they both have the same developer, B. Renk.  He's listed as the developer/author for both packages.  


I'm getting the impression that the MT 6 at SimMarket is a more recent version with some bells and whistles not mentioned on the Aerosoft product page but can't really find anything that says that in black and white that it's different.


Does anyone have any opinions or comparative data on these two products?  I'd happily spring for the little bit extra cash to get MT 6 if it's really newer/better, but hate to pay more if it's the same thing.





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I think MT 6 is just an upgrade from MY 5 that includes the installers for all the sims and especially the changes needed to run in the latest version of P3D. Try looking at the changes from MY 2013 up thru MY 5 to see if it is worth the purchase would be my guess.:) I would look for you but am feeling a bit out of it today.:faint:

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Hi John,


I have MT 6 but haven't reinstalled it yet into P3D yet but it ran ok if I remember correctly. MT 2013 is the same as the older version 5.1 and they are from the same developer.


It  may be worth checking out their support forums before deciding?  http://forum.simflight.com/forum/7-mytraffic-support-forum/



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1 hour ago, brett said:

...am feeling a bit out of it today.:faint:


Post-celebration blues, or just normal wear and tear?  Hope you're doing better.


Thanks for the response, Brett.  I did buy MT6 from SimMarket.  Still downloading.  I understand from the on-line reviews that installation is a bit complicated so will have to read the instructions first before trying it.




EDIT:  Thanks for your response too, Joe.  I was posting this response to Brett pretty much at the same time you were posting.



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On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 14:45, allardjd said:


Post-celebration blues, or just normal wear and tear?  Hope you're doing better.



Thanks,:) a bit of both I would have to say.:D

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23 hours ago, wain said:

...did your install go ok John?


So far, no.  I'm getting this error when FSX-SE starts and can't seem to turn it around....


SCENERY.CFG file error. Local scenery directory (..\..\..\..\..\MyTraffic Professional\MyTraffic\Scenery) in scenery Area.125 not found.  Click OK to continue.


Trying to get on the support forum is an adventure.  Have waited 15 minutes so far for their confirmation e-mail to appear in my suspect mail folder after registering.  The only page I've been able to get to so far is in German.  The Installation Instructions and Manual files do not address this error.  


It's probably a fine program once installed but the review comments at SimMarket had a lot of mentions of a difficult installation process, so I expected some of this.  Hopefully I'll be able to get in touch with the developer and get some knowledgeable help.


Not a great experience so far.  


This is MyTraffic 6 from SimMarket, not MyTraffic 2013 from Aerosoft.




UPDATE:  Working now; edited SCENERY.CFG to correct path.  Still no confirmation e-mail from support forum, so can't log in but can read it.




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glad you got it sorted, hopefully it will be worth all that effort...when you go on Aerosoft forums they have 2 different ones for the language but when I had a problem with one of their XP airports all their replies were in English which was very helpful to me, I lived in Germany for a while but most of my language skills revolve around food, directions and numbers.....

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Spot on fix whenever you see that error msg John,:thum: I personally use the freeware "SceneryConfigEditor" to keep track of my scenery files.


What scenery does the program install and how do you like it now that it is working? 

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26 minutes ago, brett said:

What scenery does the program install and how do you like it now that it is working? 


Like most traffic programs it installs a bunch of AI aircraft with many liveries each.  It makes changes to a number of stock airports (about 2,400, they claim) to improve parking, e.g adding parking spots and designating certain spots for certain airlines, etc.  The docs say it installs a couple dozen RW airports that are missing in FSX including some of those around Moscow - haven't seen a definitive list yet.  


So far it seems pretty good.  The quality of the AI aircraft is pretty typical, i.e. not great, but OK for what they are.  AI are intended to be seen at a distance and for that they're fine.  Up close they put me in mind of early Abacus payware AC, i.e. FS9 and earlier.  That's not a complaint, just a statement of fact.  Highly detailed AI have a cost, payable in reduced frame rates, OOM errors and crashes.  I'm not willing to pay it so am happy with what I see.  


The documentation is OK, not great.   Much of the nuts and bolts about file handling, etc. is not well explained but It's usable and acceptable assuming the user is competent enough to poke around a little on his own while avoiding the typical software minefields.  I guess I shouldn't complain too much about someone who's not working in his native language.  His English is orders of magnitude better than my German, which is pretty much limited to bitte, danke, auf wiedersehn and max-nix.



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I have Traffic 360 still and it's Ai doesn't look the greatest either, their sounds are even worse but at least it filled up some airports that normally were slim to none. Not sure if I would like my traffic program to start messing with my scenery without knowing what was going on, also not a fan of so-so manuals.  Hope it works good for you in the long run John,:) I always get a little nervous installing addons of this sort.

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