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War Bird Cockpits

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I was messing with some editing, trying to teach myself some editing skills, and learn more about how my image editor works.

I managed to create these two edits from shots I took of my warbirds cockpits a while ago.

Let me know what you think.

Zero cockpit


Spitfire cockpit


Thanks for looking.

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If i'm honest i feel the zero is over sharp and vivid, its a bit clinical. Some may like it this way but i'm not a fan of it prefering more matural tones. The spit on the other hand i feel is superb with great lighting a real feeling of a pit thats seen some action. The colouration of the shot has lovely warm tones. I would loved to have seen this one without the overlaid effect of aged photo but still gets top marks from me :)


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Thank you for the comments chaps.

Steve, thank you, coming from a master like youself, that is a great compliment.

I agree with you on the Zero Pit, to crisp on the edges, however my thinking was that the blue of the pit would create a crisper image.

As for the Spitfire pit, I must say I am proud of that one my self, now just to remember what I did there, thats the trick.

As requested, here are the originals of these 2 pits to compare.

First the Zero (unedited)


Secondly the Spitfire pit (unedited)


This evening I tried one more edit, still trying to learn the tricks of the art.

Firstly the original of a Mustang P51 pit (unedited)


Now the edited version


I will say this, I think I got the lighting on this edit wrong, I think I over did it here.

All comments and input welcome.

Thanks for looking


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I really like that Spitfire edit Wayne, it looks like an early colour picture of the era.

I think it always helps to consider how it would have looked in a picture taken in it's heyday (Unless it is in s modern day airshow!) that why it works for me.

With the last one Wayne it does look a little over-exposed. I find the soften filter can work wonders :)


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I apologise if I am making everyone crazy with these edits, but I am having a lot of fun doing them, and getting feed back from everyone helps me to see where I am going wrong or right. But this will be it for now.

Original of the MAAMSim DC-3 (unedited)




Thanks for looking


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Steve, thank you, coming from a master like youself, that is a great compliment.

I agree with you on the Zero Pit, to crisp on the edges, however my thinking was that the blue of the pit would create a crisper image.

Thanks for the compliment but a long way off being any kind of master. Only been editing shots seriously about a year now.

As for the zero pit, if you planned to produce the crisp shot then you did a fine Job. Don't take anything i say as a wrong as we all create what we think is right. Many people edit in styles i can't stand but then others may love them. Eye of the beholder and all that :wink:

Your latest DC-3 pit reminds me of a DC comics artwork kind of flah gordon'ish if you get me :mrhappy: :wacky:


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