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Editing Workshop. (Now updated with Part 3 - The final part)

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Hey guys.

After a request from Wayne to show how i achieve some of what i do, i had the idea to run through some things in short tutorials. The idea being i can show something and wayne could try it so i could give pointers is in essence, a workshop. This will be done in Photoshop but much of what is shown will apply to most editing programs so even if not all useful, you may learn one or two things to help out your own edits. After we organized to do this Joe also fancied following the posts. Basically if you want to get involved and try some things, feel free.

Part 1 Getting started and shadow

To kick off with here is the origional shot i used. Its the beechcraft B300 by AFG flying near KPDX.


If you want you can follow what we do with this picture or try to apply what i show to your own shot. Either way will work. The shots now have their own pre written instructions so lets get started. :wow:


















Feel free to post a shot of what you got so far. Also i would really like to know, if you found this useful at all. The reason i ask is it takes a little time to put these together so if of no use i would rather stop now than later and have a wasted journey. If you found it useful then i'm more than happy to continue.


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Now you have got me wishing my day away, so I can get to my PC and get started. Steve this is amazing, you are the best :wow:, thank you for going to this level effort and detail. (man com'on day will you hurry up).

No worries Steve your efforts will not be wasted, at least on myself, I am with you all the way for this one. I am going to start with using your image so I can comapre apples for apples. An then I will start work on my on shot selection.

Give me a day before you see a return post from me, so I can apply the techniques you have so patiently demonstrated above.

Man I now see your true secret to success, it is in the details, the little details, I would not even think important, the details I would not obviously notice, but the the eye detects subconsciously, it makes all the difference. Wow and this is only the start (step 1) and the difference is already so huge and noticeable. I am blown away.

Steve I do not know how to thank you enough for your kindness and effort you are apllying for the benefit of others.

THANK YOU Man, ya' da MAN.

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No problem at all guys, if i can find the time its easy enough to do. A confession though, i forgot to save my in progress files so will have to re-edit the shot to get to this point :roll: Remember to save your progress !! If its in Photoshop PSD. is best.

I'll wait till any who wants to get a progress shot up and ask any questions before we move on.


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Ok here is my attempt, my challenge is that I am haveing to translate everything into Paintshop Pro, while I have Photoshop it is only Photoshop Elements 2, so does not have all the editing tools used by you Steve, but PSP I ahve all the tools so am working there.

The curves make a huge diff to the image, but getting that balance is tricky.

So here is my first set, feed back please.


Sorry tried to post the larger image (1024), but photobucket still resized smaller, but I am sure you can still see the diff.

Hey Steve first rule of IT, 'you change something, save something' :roll:

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Well done Wayne, better than my first attempt, a bit rushed as i wanted to get it in before Steve commented on the first step and moved on, I can now appreciate how much attention to detail goes into this just by shading the tail!



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Looking good so far Wayne. Will get the next section up as soon as i get time. Should not be too long. If something i do in PS does not relate into PSP let me know and i'll try to give an alternate way to achieve the same.

Thanks for the IT tip :roll:


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Part 2 Lighting

Hey guys.

Moving on now to bringing the shot alive a little.













Hehe just seen some nice spelling mistakes but being edited into the shot, they remain :yes: Remember you can take and leave what you want from these tutorials. You may only need one or two things to help spruce up your own shots. I always decide what will be done for each individual edit. No point putting reflections on a matt camo aircraft.

Hope this of help so far. The last section soon, finishing it off.


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Here is my part 2 attempt for the editing workshop, getting a bit more tricky now, requireing more thought and planing. I now realize that the change do not have to be drastic to make a huge difference, just slight changes in the right place will have a dramatic effect.


Once again Steve, this must be taking a lot of time and effort on your behalf, so I say thank you again.

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No problem at all Wayne. If i can find the time to do it i'm happy to help anyone out. Your shot is looking good so far and to be honest, you can hardley tell the difference between our shots. Looking forward to finishing this one now and moving on. If i get time after this is done i hope to do a ground tutorial as well showing a collection of ideas on getting results out of scenery up close.

Don't forget to ask if you need to know anything or want to know something i'm not covering so far. I hope i'm not boring you too much :yes: :clap:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Mate, looking forward to it.

Background lighting and definition is the thing I am stuggling with the most at the moment, and you hinted that that was the next order of business.

So again thanks for your effort and time.

Hey Boss, what's up? You falling behind in school. :thumbup:

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Part 3. Finishing off.

First off two appologies. First off for taking so long to get this part out. Secondly Wayne, after looking at the shot i realised there was not much further i could take the shot. As such, will not answer the things you asked me to try help with. The shot is midday with high sun and as such, there is only so much you can do. Therfore i decided to finish up this shot and move on. I will address more extreme lighting in a new shot on the ground so as to be able show some ground techniques also.









Hopefully by now the shot looks a bit better. However one thing i must say, its tricky to write down how i do things. This is due to the fact that i often yo-yo back and forth while editing. Somethings work and some don't. If something does not work out i go back and try something different. I can't do this while taking snaps and writing it up unless i want to spend a month doing it. That said, take what i write as ideas you can play with and not as rules by which to edit.


Thanks for sticking along this far.


P.S. Forgot to put in the above, when finished to resize your shot back down to what you want it. :thumbup:

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I'm not sure as i've never used it. However, you should be able to take ideas from what ive written and apply them to other editing programs. This is not so much written to get you using photoshop but simply to give an idea of what you could put into an edit.


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Well here is my finished version of the "Editalong".

Had a bit of scare today and thought I may not be able to finish this, had a power failure at home today and when the power come back on my PC would not, did some investigation, concluded it might be the PSU, got new one and conclusion was right, so back up and running fully again.

New machine on the card, this one +- 3 years old now, need new machine for FSX.

Comments please.


Thank you Steve :thum: , I learnt a heck of a lot during this editalong with you, looking forward to the next lesson, hopefully I will have Adobe Photoshop by then.

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Heh well done Wayne, yours is better than mine :thum: Will do one soon showing some things you can do with ground and light from a standard day shot. Should not be too long. Unlucky with the power cut but glad to hear your up and running again. Also happy you found all this of some use :thum:


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