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I picked up just a couple of the recent JF mix and match. I was disuaded from a couple medium haulers on the list thanks to reviewing some Mutley Reviews, and settled on a couple fun touring birds...sorta.


Socata TB-20 (plus TB-10):


A VC shot:



A profile:



I found it hard to trim out, and it doesn't seem to respond at all to aileron trim inputs...not sure what's up with that, and it was kind of pitchy on landing...and the sounds are a bit droning/bland as well. sigh..not a great buy, not very impressed so far. :(



Then the F4U-1 Birdcage, which apparently I already owned. I acquired it as part of a WWIII aircraft package collection...sigh...didn't realize it was the same F4u-1 model being sold as a standalone..rats:


A VC shot...note the bridge test on both:



Blasting around and over KCCR, Concord.



Then this gem of a freeware DC3-TC has been fun to fly around...good hauler with very nice flight characteristics...floats up off the runway and back down to it. Sweet bird.

I have been enjoying seeing my fleets in AirHauler2 again lately, a feature added recently that was in the original game.










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Thanks for the comments folks.


I think the socata pitch problem is partly on my end...my yoke seems to have developed a Variable Center point...the springs are not fully centering it and causing a hell of a time trimming. However, the effect is far more noticeable on the socata for some reason...I halved the elevator effect temporarily in the aircraft.cfg till I can sort it out. Other planes have the problem as well ofc, but only feel it minimally. The Socata at least brought the issue to my attention. Thanks for that anyhow! :D


Ros, not sure if the Birdcage is a new product, but you may be correct. Possibly a serious texture and systems upgrade over an older model? The cockpit is very very nice looking and the aircraft is a joy to fly. Not quite A2A Warbird quality but close. Lots of engine control adjustments are possible, intercoolers, cowls...a very decent product.


Alan, I found a lucrative Commodity haul in Airhauler and a half dozen trips back and forth between KOAK oakland and KSMF Sacramento in the DC-3TP earned me enough to lease a 747-400...after training a couple of pilots for it, I quickly am up from 44 million to 1 billion in the bank...dayum...that 747 can haul a lot but I'm leaving it to the Ai pilots. I'm still shuttling cargos in the DC-3TP at the moment...far funner to fly. :D Now I'm looking at an insanely profitable haul between Boston and Wash. DC...about 100 dollars per pound profits are possible averaging out the two legs, with potential 400,000lbs of cargo or more available...dayum/chaching!

Edited by Captain Coffee
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nice shots Matt, always nice when you get something new in the hangar, there are rumours we will soon get Carenados Phenom 100 for Xplane, fingers crossed as that's the onyl thing I really don't have in that sim is a nice small jet.....

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