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P3Dv4 and GenerationX VFR Scenery plus Trees/Autogen

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Hello all.

I wonder if any one in our community has been able to Make either RevolutionX or Treescapes work in P3Dv4?


I have used the Estonia tool to install GenerationX VFR successfully into P3Dv4 but would like to add some autogen. I have previously installed Treescapes into FSX.

and have the extracted files to hand.  I know the guys at Treescapes are no longer around but hope someone may know how to do this.




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Hi Stewart


Welcome to our forums!



Although I don't use photoscenery, if you have the extracted files from an old installation then just copy the folder into your P3Dv4 Addon Scenery  folder and manually add the path to the scenery. You may have to experiment at which level to put the trees but I would start at the very top.









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Hi Joe,


Thanks for the reply. I cant find an Addon scenery folder in P3Dv4. I know they have changed the file structures but I cant even find one on the general hard drive.





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You can place the Gen-X scenery anywhere you like on your machine.  I keep mine on a third internal HDD with the rest of W Europe photo scenery.  USA is on a fourth drive.  You just need to point the P3D scenery library to your chosen location.


For simplicity I merged all the various Horizon listings many years ago into what became known as an "All In One" installation....(1)Eng/wales, (2)Scottish Islands, (3)Scottish Mainland, (4)Eire.  The ES Tree Texture folders go alongside the Scenery folder in the 2.4mPhoto folder in region 1.  Alongside the Scenery folder, within the 0.6m Photo folder in region 2.  Alongside the Scenery folder within 0.5m Photo folder in region 3.


There are some options for Eire available on the .net but not from ES.

 If you still use the original install listings for Gen-X scenery then it will be more complicated to locate your .AGN files and alas it is too long ago for me to remember what goes where.  If that is the case it would be worth your while to spend the time merging the areas as above.  Then keep a full copy on an external HDD for future use.  You will not regret the effort.




Edited by dogtrack
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Thanks very much for the help.

I will have a look to see if I can get my head around what you are explaining and get back to you as I think I will need quite a bit of help with what goes where and perhaps post a picture of my various folder that exist on FSX to see what needs to be copied to my P3Dv4 PC.  I would rely like to get this to work as as I am not a fan of Orbx scenery as its not real imagery of the UK. I would be happy just getting trees around the UK for now. 


Thanks again for the help. 

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Here is a full listing of the finished merging process in their correct order within the Library.  From this you should be able to ascertain how to work with your original install.  Would suggest you MOVE rather than COPY...much quicker.  You will need to concentrate and allow yourself the time, as it needs to be done in one hit.  Or you risk getting confused and making a mistake, which could be catastrophic in Sim terms.  Wife out, Kids out, phone off, front door locked and a full morning or afternoon in terms of time should be allowed.  Most important of all is to take your time , check & recheck before you commit to an action.  It's not really that scary once you have an understanding of the current folder structure and what it is you wish to achieve.  Have fun.


FSX Power Project EFFECTS...if installed

FSX Power Project PYLONS...if installed

FSX Power Project OBJECTS...if installed


ES 3D...if used/installed


UK ADDON COLLECTION (various stuff if used)


ENG/WALES Vol1-3:-

Eng Landmarks....if you have them.

London....if you have it.

0.60cm Photo

1.2m Photo

2.4m Night

2.4m Photo....trees here

4.8m Mesh


EIRE Vol 9 &10:-

10m Mesh


1m Photo....any agn stuff here




0.5m Photo....trees here



5m DTM



Vol5 Night

Vol5 Photo Terrain.....vol5 trees here

Vol4 0.6m Night

Vol4 0.6m Photo....vol4 trees here

Vol4 4.8m Mesh

Vol4 Airports


FSXPP-UK_Default Scenery Shifter....if you have Power Project installed.


Any queries, just ask.



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Hi again 

How can I insert a picture into my reply. I have done a screen dump of the file structure and want to insert it into my post.


Sorry to sound a bit thick but forums ect are all new to me and how to navigate them.



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the easiest option is to use FS-SNAPS which you can open an account at by following the link from Mutleys Hangar homepage, it's free asnd very easy...if you already have a source for saving and linking photos then let us know and someone I am sure will help you with that.....there is a post regerding FS-SNAPS explaining how to post the pics somewhere, sorry I am not sure how to do a link to another post...

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I open image with paint.. Save it giving it a name.. Save to a place you want. I then drop that into fs snaps.. Click embed link.. 2nd block down click on BB link then paste to your post.. You won't see a preview though.. Sorry not at PC so all from memory.. Hope it helps... 


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fs-snaps has a limit on the single image upload size of 2MB, if you are saving as .bmp then the file sizes are generally huge.

If you use the V key to take screenshots then they get saved in Pictures Library/ Prepar3D v4.  In P3D v4 you can select the image format, make sure it is set to jpg as they are compressed.

As Wayne suggested, you can load the image into Microsoft Paint,  I would suggest you resize the image to 1600px wide,  then save as a jpg file. Then you can just drag them across to fs-snaps, the rest is a Wayne says!




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Ah hooray I have just got area Volume 3 to work with the Trees. Just copying the other volumes now.


Have you been able to get any of Garry Summons Xtreme airports or UK 2000 VFR airports to work?

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Glad you got it working Stewart, was there any special trick you used? I would gather getting the other scenery to work would be done in the same fashion as Trees expect I would think goes above the other in the library.

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Hello brett,


Really my thanks goes to Dogtrack for helping me select the correct folders. I was able to look at my other install in FSX and looked for the Texture folders which contained the required tree information.

The original install of the VFR UK scenery was done using the Estonia migration tool which seemed to work. However when I then go to the Scenery folder in P3Dv4 from within the sim itself there is no VFR scenery. The only thing there relating to what I have installed is the extra demo bit of scenery you get around Colwyn Bay that is an option to check when installing Volume 3.

I have some issues with the lack of trees being inserted around Sleap and Shawbury which may be to do with the fact that in my FSX install I have installed Shawbury fields scenery as well (not into P3Dv4).

I basically copied the texture folders as suggested my Dogtrack from my already installed FSX, installed scenery and placed them into the various locations he described. The downside to this is there is no file structure/order visible in the scenery location where you can move scenery up or down a layer as it does not exist in there when you look. Simply placing the tree/texture folder described above by Dogtrack made things work.


I hope this makes sense.





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  • 3 months later...

Hello again,


Not sure if this thread will still be active, but I wonder if any one has been able to get Trees to work with volume 8 South Scotland generation X VFR scenery?

I have managed to get the trees to appear in Volumes 1,2 and 3 of VFR generation X scenery, but not Volume 8. The Texture folder with its many AGN files has been inserted into the correct location as described but still no trees. The install appears correct so does anyone have any further help with regards getting the trees to appear in Volume 8 Generation X VFR scenery.


Thanks Stewart

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Hi Stewart,

I have all GenX volumes working correctly with the associated tree agn files.


Recently I have made my own photo scenery to infill the areas not covered by GenX and Earth Sims using FSET. Those areas are Jersey and Northern Ireland and they too are covered with agn.


You should be aware that when ES created trees for Volumes 4-8 they modified default trees with new scaling and consequently guide numbers. You may need to use modified autogen files to get them to show. Alternately download trees from AVSIM, FlightSim or various other sites that use default guide numbers.





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Hi again and thanks Tony for your help.

can you place a link for me as to the correct files please. When I look on the Avsim downloads I can only see some AG trees library 1.1 for FS 2004. Is this the correct one? 

Cheers Stewart

1 hour ago, tonym said:

Hi Stewart,

I have all GenX volumes working correctly with the associated tree agn files.


Recently I have made my own photo scenery to infill the areas not covered by GenX and Earth Sims using FSET. Those areas are Jersey and Northern Ireland and they too are covered with agn.


You should be aware that when ES created trees for Volumes 4-8 they modified default trees with new scaling and consequently guide numbers. You may need to use modified autogen files to get them to show. Alternately download trees from AVSIM, FlightSim or various other sites that use default guide numbers.






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Hi Stewart,

For the life of me I can't remember where I got the files from. My suggestion would be download what you find and give them a try. Just remember that AGN have specific file names so that one lot will always be replaced by someone else's work. 


I can't offer to send my files as I have some test work mixed in with the 'free' agn. Without giving you all the files you would still have chunks missing.





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Thanks Tony,

do I simply copy the AGN files into the texture folder where volume 8 folder is located, where the original files for the trees were located or do I have to copy them into another location. 

Cheers Stewart

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