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Alabeo release M20R Ovation for FSX/P3D

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Full FSX, P3D v2, v3, v4, and Steam compatible.
Flight1 GTN 750* integration
Reality XP GNS530* integration (only for FSX)
Alabeo GNS530
Cold and Dark start option
Superb material shines and reflections.
Volumetric side view prop effect
Gauges reflections
Knob click sounds
Windows scratches and blades shines
High quality 3D model and textures.
Realistic behavior

*Flight1 GTN 750 and Reality XP GNS530 are sold separately


More here.. http://www.alabeo.com/index.php?accion=product&correl=131

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On 23/08/2017 at 08:06, joespeed52 said:

What's the verdict? I'm waiting for the next sale to pick it up as of now, but that's tentative, so only if I know that it's worth it, I'll shell out the cash!




You could be waiting quite a while for that sale then. As a general rule, Alabeo and Carenado exclude their most recent productions from sales for some time.


As for it being worth it, you ask a simple question to a not so simple answer. As the Head of Reviews for Mutley's Hangar, I have written many reviews on Alabeo aircraft, but I have only had time to have a cursory look at the M20 so far, and it is good. So, my simple answer is yes, it is worth it. However, your post strongly suggests you are driven primarily by cost and on that basis, you could be setting yourself up to being disappointed. Alabeo generally produce models which represent good value for money, but that value is a trade off between cost, quality, and features. Whilst Alabeo models tend to be more focused on the "fun of flying", as opposed to being more technical and procedural, they have suffered from price creep recently. Finally, you don't allude to what type of flying you do or why you are even interested in the M20. You ask a dozen flight simmers what the verdict is on the Alabeo M20, and you could get 12 responses saying it is great, because it is exactly the aircraft to match their personal needs and it's their opinion based on those needs. On that basis, you could purchase it and are then bitterly disappointed because it does not match your needs.


Hopefully this will help you decide whether the Alabeo M20R Ovation is an aircraft you want to "shell out the cash" on.




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1 hour ago, Andrew Godden said:




You could be waiting quite a while for that sale then. As a general rule, Alabeo and Carenado exclude their most recent productions from sales for some time.


As for it being worth it, you ask a simple question to a not so simple answer. As the Head of Reviews for Mutley's Hangar, I have written many reviews on Alabeo aircraft, but I have only had time to have a cursory look at the M20 so far, and it is good. So, my simple answer is yes, it is worth it. However, your post strongly suggests you are driven primarily by cost and on that basis, you could be setting yourself up to being disappointed. Alabeo generally produce models which represent good value for money, but that value is a trade off between cost, quality, and features. Whilst Alabeo models tend to be more focused on the "fun of flying", as opposed to being more technical and procedural, they have suffered from price creep recently. Finally, you don't elude to what type of flying you do or why you are even interested in the M20. You ask a dozen flight simmers what the verdict is on the Alabeo M20, and you could get 12 responses saying it is great, because it is exactly the aircraft to match their personal needs and it's their opinion based on those needs. On that basis, you could purchase it and are then bitterly disappointed because it does not match your needs.


Hopefully this will help you decide whether the Alabeo M20R Ovation is an aircraft you want to "shell out the cash" on.





Thank you for the information, Andrew. I am mostly driven by cost, only because I'd rather save it to spend on something more beneficial for me, than spend it on something disappointing. As for personal needs, I have about 6 A2A aircraft filling up my 'virtual hangar' because they seem to be the best at realism and beauty, so I'm pretty well stacked there...


I'm only interested in the Mooney because it is the only modern M20 out there for FS, if you don't count the Carenado M20J, which is coming on at 10 years old this November... I only look for it as a fast, high altitude, cruising machine with good performance. It also has a pretty large and powerful engine at anywhere from 280 to 310 HP. I do not expect it to be as realistic as say: (for a comparison, the A2A Comanche.) I just expect it to look good and fly fast. Creeping up on 200 KTAS cruise speed is a pretty hefty feat, even for a Naturally Aspirated piston single. The service ceiling is nothing to scoff at either, at FL200, which the Comanche can barely even try to reach...


As for sales, I understand that they are HEAVILY restrictive in terms of price drop amount and frequency, (especially with new releases). I'm just hoping the Christmas sale is far enough away that they (Alabeo) might think about discounting it. As for the systems, I could see there's an electric engine monitor and avionics worth a look. I also have the GTN 750, which is another reason to be interested in it for. 




Edited by joespeed52
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Welcome to Mutley's Hangar Joe.:hat: Keep an eye out in the forums and you might see this aircraft flown by a member, you never know.  


As it was just released only time will tell if it is a viable purchase. Mooney aircraft are aren't well covered, like you said, so this release is a pleasant surprise and if I purchase it then it will be mostly for that reason alone. Alabeo  products are well modeled and will fly according to the numbers, add in AccuFeel and it will be an approximate representation of the aircraft for simming purposes. I think they are a tad more expensive for what you get when compared to others but if you're in the mood right now for something new, fast and shiny then by all means jump right in and smell the new leather.:D Price is based on what the market will bear, need is subjective.:)


Personally I have the A2A Cherokee and Comanche so I'm covered with low wing singles but if I saw this on sale I would buy it just for the pure experience and pleasure of flying it.:yesa:





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