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Bluegrass Can Am Rally 2017   

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Bluegrass Can Am Rally 2017   
Bluegrass Airlines - those who in the past have brought you the Great Australian Air Rally (GAAR) and the New Zealand Air Rally (NZAR) - have a new event coming up.  If you're interested in some fun check out their pages at...
...and follow your nose to the BCAR 2017 pages - that's the Bluegrass Can Am Rally.   If you like flying in the Pacific NW, western Canada and Alaska, this will be right up your alley.
Here's a paragraph lifted from their description of the event...
"The BCAR will be officially conducted over the period 19 Sep 17 - 16 Oct 17 and will involve a total of 10 flights.  The BCAR is not a race nor a competition!  It is an event in which individuals participate against their own flying ability by navigating over a series of Flight Legs on which they are aiming to fly as close as possible to an individually calculated "target time".  Flight Legs can involve either and / or a combination of VOR, NDB and "dead reckoning" navigating under day Visual Flight Rule (VFR) conditions with variable departure times and weather conditions. There may be a need to make some diversions round weather to remain in VFR conditions. An allowance has been made for additional time on some legs to accommodate this."
I hope that's enough to whet your appetite.  I believe registration is already open and your test flight can be completed and submitted at any time.  There's no need to wait for the actual dates to get started.
As usual, there is a custom package of airport diagrams available in the "Events" section of the Airport Diagram Download Center here at MH.
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18 hours ago, allardjd said:

"The BCAR will be officially conducted over the period 19 Sep 17 - 16 Oct 17 and will involve a total of 10 flights.  The BCAR is not a race nor a competition!  It is an event in which individuals participate against their own flying ability by navigating over a series of Flight Legs on which they are aiming to fly as close as possible to an individually calculated "target time".  Flight Legs can involve either and / or a combination of VOR, NDB and "dead reckoning" navigating under day Visual Flight Rule (VFR) conditions with variable departure times and weather conditions. There may be a need to make some diversions round weather to remain in VFR conditions. An allowance has been made for additional time on some legs to accommodate this."


Classic Andrew Godden script, they must really miss his fantastic situation and route planning which of course you can only experience in our very own MEBAR :D

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