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Ran across this today, first I've seen it. As a lot of us are still using Win7, it's an interesting way to get your problem description to someone who may be able to help.


It's a short Youtube video describing the process.



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Are they saying Windows 7 because it only works for 7 or is it because of the vintage of the video?  They don't mention any of the later versions, as if perhaps they don't exist yet.  Maybe it works in later versions of the OS too.



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I don't know the answer to that John, I only have one Win10 machine in the house, and I haven't had the need to run the sub-routine. It is invoked by typing "psr.exe" in the windows search box, then running the software while you duplicate a problem.


Some one on MH might like to try it out on a Win10 platform. Looks pretty harmless. It takes a running snapshot of a process and writes it to a file that can be transmitted for viewing by, say, support personnel. Kind of a moving screenshot. I ran across it when I was (still am) having a problem with a piece of software not doing what it was supposed to be doing. 



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Looks like a good tool to describe someone how to  use a program feature they aren't familiar with as well.

For example: In Airhauler someone who is baffled how to set up a Networked Mode flight could be walked through it by recreating and recording the steps using this tool, saving the file, and sending it to them.


Edited by Captain Coffee
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