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Basic question on using P3D v4 with Plan-G

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For some considerable time I have used Plan-G with FSX, I love it!


I have been using Plan-G on a second PC and use SimConnect to connect to FSX, but now I have installed P3D v4.1 and want to connect my Plan-G install to it via SimConnect.  I have had a few problems and have yet to do this successfully.  The following problems are those I have encountered together with the questions that they raise.


I have added the P3D paths to the locations part and path to the P3D scenery.cfg . This I did by mapping a drive on the Plan-G PC and pointing the drive at the appropriate local drive on the P3D PC. (Drive X: points to Drive C: etc.) and then browsed to the files required. This method has always worked before.


  1. The database build is very rapid.  The help file indicates that this usually indicates a fail. Returning to the Database Build screen shows that the DB build is available which perhaps seems to also point to a failure. Having said that, when the Build database runs I can see it going through ORBX directories ect.
  2. I cant connect to P3D. However the connect icon greys out and the disconnect button is available. It is clear that no data conversation is going on as the map doesn't move to where my aircraft is. A small black square with an upward pointing arrow appears in the top left corner of Plan-G. On a third PC on the network configured for P3D only I cant connect.


The above raises these questions: 

  • Can I use the same install of P3D for both sims?  (Two DBs?) It looks like I can do.
  • What is the black square?
  • In the FS Connection Parameters how do I check the Config Index against the PC with P3D on it? The FSX Computer and Server Port/Pipe are still in the SimConnect Settings (FSX) and have always worked well for me in the past. 


Any help would be good :)



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I run Plan-G on a network PC, I have had Simconnect working, but WideFS just works without faffing around. Have you got the P3Dv4 Simconnect version on your client too?


Point 1 above - The best way to run Plan-G on  two PC's is generate the database on your flightsim PC then just simply copy and paste your FS PC's Documents/Plan-G Files from the host to the client PC, that saves sharing drives and the problems that can create and trying to set a path to the scenery.cfg on your host.


Point 2 - Using Simconnect to connect remotely requires you set the IP address of the host, if your router is using dynamic DHCP then maybe you should change that to have fixed IPs on your local network. I would have to do some more investigation, but it's all there on the web.


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Hi Joe, thanks for the reply. However your reply raises more questions!


  On 08/01/2018 at 17:57, mutley said:



I run Plan-G on a network PC, I have had Simconnect working, but WideFS just works without faffing around. Have you got the P3Dv4 Simconnect version on your client too? Short answer - No I dont think so.  The second PC is a 32 bit PC.  Where would I get the client Simconnect from?  I have WideFS on the client PC for FSX. Do I need a seperate install of this?


Point 1 above - The best way to run Plan-G on  two PC's is generate the database on your flightsim PC then just simply copy and paste your FS PC's Documents/Plan-G Files from the host to the client PC, that saves sharing drives and the problems that can create and trying to set a path to the scenery.cfg on your host. I might give that a try!


Point 2 - Using Simconnect to connect remotely requires you set the IP address of the host, if your router is using dynamic DHCP then maybe you should change that to have fixed IPs on your local network. I would have to do some more investigation, but it's all there on the web. I have fixed the IP address of the host so that is not a problem.  I had Plan-G working with FSX and simconnect using the IP Address and the port number of the host. I had no issued with that.  However for the P3D conection Plan-G requires the input of a config index. I guess that is something akin to the FSX IP Address and port, but I dont know how to confirm I have the correct value in place.  The IP and Port are available on the host pc, I am guessing the config index is as well but I dont know where it is. Any help with this?




Thanks again



Edited by J G
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JG -


I'll try and may this brief:


1. You can use the same WideClient for P3D so no separate install required.

2. You're welcome

3. You are buggered then, as your client PC is only 32bit, stick with Wideclient.



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Re point 3, by the looks of it P3Dv4 is still using the 32bit simconnect file v10.0.61242.0 so should work.


Make sure your Plan-G is the latest version (presently v as it has a new P3D simconnect button that you should use, not the old FSX button.

Also, on your client you should have a file called SimConnect.cfg in your C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files folder and the contents should read similar to this (the IP is my network IP for the host pc)


Having said all this mine isn't working now either so I will investigate.

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1. If you have an old P3D database, there is no need to rebuild it for an updated P3D version. The only time you need to rebuild the database is if you change your scenery. The log file will tell you for sure whether a build was successful.


Oh, and NEVER build a database across a network: that is begging for failure. Always build databases on your FS PC and copy them across to your client.


Having said that, going from an old version of Plan-G to v3.2, it is worth rebuilding the database, since Plan-G will now display your Addon airfields in yellow.


2. The black square houses the wind arrow. If you see a yellow arrow within then (a) you know you are connected, and (b) you know the wind direction.


3. P3D uses a different version of Simconnect compared to FSX, and requires a different setup. See http://www.tasoftware.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=3795.0 for details. With all versions of Simconnect, your FS PC requires a static or reserved IP address.


BTW "index" refers to the index of the entry in your sim connect.cfg that you wish to use. For most users this will be the first/only entry, so the index value will be 0.


Bear in mind that since P3Dv4 is a 64bit sim, its Simconnect might not work on a 32-bit PC - you'll just have to suck it and see (they might have compiled it for both, but I have no way of knowing). As Joe said, WideClient will still work.

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