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Taking it to the Max

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B737 Max 8 on a test flight over the Seattle area. Departing Boeing Field and after a circuit of the area landing at Everett. The Max series is the latest in the B737 and features a brand new wing, new more efficient engines and an interior based on that of the B787 design.  Model is freeware but sadly only has a 2d panel . Hopefully at some point a definitive version will appear with a VC. tds_b737max8_base_package.zip 
































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2 hours ago, jury1942 said:



I disagree, many of the aircraft in my sim only have 2d panels yet I never have any problems operating them and running flight plans where needed.  As far as I'm concerned a functional VC is nice to have but not essential. If it's an unusual aircraft and everything else checks out then I'm quite happy to run a 2d panel. I've been running Flight sims since FS98 so quite used to basic setups.  However each to his own and if some find a VC essential then so be it. :D

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14 hours ago, jury1942 said:

FSX Boeing 737 MAX 9 Boeing House Package with Enhanced VC.  New FSX 737 Max9 model by TDS with advanced 737-800 VC added (DX 10). https://arielcreation.blogspot.ru/2016/01/tds-boeing-737-max-9-base-package.html

Thanks for the link. I now have this one downloaded as well . :thum:

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2 hours ago, jury1942 said:

Very nice! But I use only payware airliners. Their VC functionality and realism is much higher for me. 

I have a few payware ones as well, but I don't fly airliners that often so don't buy that many.  Some of the freeware ones are as good as, and in some cases better than, payware models. I guess it depends on how you are using the sim.  For me it's just a bit of fun that I don't take too seriously.

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