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OK...some of you guys know that I have been having  problems with my PC.  I kept getting error messages on the updated MilViz F-4 Phantom and it was suggested that I may need a more up to date video card.  So, last week I took the plunge!  I took the PC into a well known computer store and they installed a 2GB video card, which was a BIG upgrade from my previous one.  They also did a bit of work on maintaining my ageing PC.  On Saturday evening, I was informed that it was ready, so off we went to pick it up!


When I got back, I found out that the VGA connector on the new graphics card no longer connected the VGA connector on my screen.  So, we did a quick QRA scramble back to the store to try and get there before it closed....I arrived just as the doors were closing but managed persuade the guy to let me in!  I spoke to one of the techies and he realized that the VGA was slightly altered from the older version, but  I could get an adaptor to solve the issue.  Guess what...they did not have one!  I was told that I could order one online, but I had already been without my PC for a while and was somewhat annoyed that I was not informed of this 'little detail'.


I asked what my options were and in the end, I decided to part with even more money and buy a new screen which was HD, to match up with the video card.  It was also an LED screen as opposed to LCD, and a bit bigger so that was an upgrade too.  So...back to my understanding wife who was waiting for me in the car.


While I was fuming at the extra expense and multiple trips needed to sort the issue out, once I got things set up, my anger subsided.  The screen was actually pretty cool...the picture was clearer (and larger!).  The graphics card was able to handle things better with the flight sim being a lot more fluid and less stutters.  OK...the FPS are not as high as I had expected, but they are a lot better and it handles clouds a lot better, which used to bog things down before.  Of course, I can now fly my MilViz F-4 Phantom without error messages!  Now....I will have to install the TacPac for it soon, and start bombing practice!


The moral of the story is that things can be very bad, get even worse, but good CAN come out of it in the end!!  :D


Martin (now a happy chappy!!)

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I think that you are right!  It certainly is a VAST improvement over my old one, and combined with the new monitor, things are looking up.  What is difference it makes being able to see proper clouds AND have good FPS!!  :thum:


Best wishes from a COLD USA!!



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Good to hear all is well with your PC.  I hope you don't mind but I have some questions about your new hardware.


Are you running FSX or P3D?

What is the spec of your PC?

And here is the million dollar question......

Is the MilViz Phantom stable on your PC?


I have a high end Chillblast PC and I cannot get the MilViz Phantom to run on it without screwing up my P3D v4 install completely. It's as stable as jelly even with a new build with just the Phantom installed and no other addon aircraft.  I just cant get it to work without crashing. 


Its a real shame as I had it working on my older PC under FSX and really liked the aircraft, It was probably my favourite.  As I now have P3D v4 and TacPac for P3D it would be great to get it working, but try as I might I cant.  I am guessing there is a conflict with some other software in my PC but I haven't a clue what it is.  Even if I uninstall it P3D still crashes.

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Hi John


My PC is an HP Pavilion and has a 2.6 Ghz quad core processor.  It is a few years old now.  I think that it was bought in 2012.  It runs on Windows 7, 64 bit.  I have FSX Gold Edition.


I can now run the Mil-Viz Phantoms alright, but prior to the new video card, I kept getting error messages.  When the Phantom was first released it was alright, but the constant updates by Mil-Viz did something to it.


The Mil-Viz Phantom really is something special and I love it.  I have both the Naval and Air Force version, along with TacPac for the F-4E.  I also have the ADV set for the F-4E, but have yet to try that!


If you like the F-4, the SSW F-4B/N is also great.  Actually, I have had less problems with that than the Mil-Viz version, but I do think that Mil-Viz has helped SSW in some parts of the development.


Despite the new card, I still get occasional times when flight sim freezes, but it tends to get cranky after I have it installed for a few months, and tend to have to do a full reload.  Maybe I am also getting too many things loaded onto it at one time.


On a parting note, what is interesting is that I have the Mil-Viz F-15E, and that one kept crashing FSX!  It is a shame as I really liked plane too.  I have not tried it with the new card yet, and plan to soon.  Strange, eh?


I hope that the info helps and good luck with the F-4! 

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Thanks for the above Martin.  


I too love the Phantom it is a truly awsome machine.  I remember as a boy when the Royal Navy first started to fly it. In those days the RNAS and RAF had always flown British built aircraft and I felt sad at that departure. But as soon as I had seen the aircraft at an airshow I fell for it completey. It lacks the elegance of the English Electric Lightning, and the grace of the Hawker Hunter, but it has that Sophia Loren look. Everything is not quite right, but the sum of them is beautiful. 


The problem I have with Phantoms in my FS is that I like to fly the British version. The only one on the moment is the MilVis one. All the others have the wrong nose with the chin mounted gun that was never used by us Brits .


I would so love to get the MilVis Phantom going, but I have found that if it doesn't work it screws everything else up. A full rebuild is too much of a pain to risk. 

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