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Lovely shots there!


I've never got as far as doing my own repaint, but wondred what the absolute minimum i would need in order to do a one off repaint of, say, the A2A C172 trainer?


I have just 'officially' started lessons in G-OVFR C172N at my local airfield, and thought it might be nice to 'pimp' my A2A (even though the FS version is a little more up to date than my 'N'.


Any recommendations of minimum software to do it?



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thanks for the response JK, is it good practice to open a paint kit then save under a different name?, then you don't effect the original paint-kit.....I am seeing that this looks a very challenging project for me to attempt however I will continue, I think once the first i done I should be OK, only experience I have is truck skins a long time ago in ETS2.....


I also assume that not all aircraft come with a paintkit and can't find any except JF, do they install to different places?

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On 26/08/2018 at 12:53, jankees said:

If you run into trouble, just give a call, I've painted quite a few C172's


Not doing well here.. downloaded Gimp but it won't open any .dds files  it says 'Unknown file type'.

I tried to open up some files from the FSX basic aircraft and got the same error message..

Did i do something stupid?

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20 hours ago, jankees said:

Open them dds files in dxtbmp, then you can export them to gimp

ok.. will give that a shot. Thanks for the response.. All i want to do is re-create the C172 that i am doing my flight training in.. but if i manage it without needing Valium, i can see me doing it for other AC


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nope.. it isn't happening..

I dowloaded the DXTBmp add on, captured the DDS files but Gimp still won't open them.. it doesn't think the files are there to open..

Is this an A2A thing or am i just having an honorary  'blonde' moment,

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Hey Steph, I'll be on my pc later so I will see if I can open them.



Hey Steph,

Try opening the .bmp in DXTbmp the save it to a new folder as a 24bit bmp.

You should then be able to open that 24 bit bmp in Gimp. 

Once you've edited it, take it back to DXTbmp and save it as either a dds or extended bmp. Whichever type the original file was.

Hope this helps you.




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Don't panic just yet, everything is hard in the beginning.

I use the 'export to editor' at the bottom left in dxtbmp. You may have to set up gimp as your editor in dxtbmp before you can do this. You can then edit the file to your hearts content, save it as bmp and import it back into dxtbmp.

Look here:



but this is if you want to convert existing textures.

Alternatively, and much better, you may download the official paintkit which you will find here: http://a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=107&t=35777

and then create you own paintscheme from scratch, for better results. That one you can open directly in gimp. After editing, you then save it as bmp and use dxtbmp to flip it vertically and convert it to dxt5 dds file. That's how I did all my C172 paints, like these, which would hve been hard todo based on existing textures:





again, don't be afraid to ask, though we perhaps need to start a new thread on the basics of repainting..

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Thanks so much JK


I have downloaded the linked official paintkit and will now follow the isntructions above, and in your other posts.. Reckon it will be a weekend 'project'.


Sorry for so many questions..This one is a totally new area to me as i haven't used Photoshop for about 15 years and even then it was only the basics.


Appreciate your guidance :thumbup:

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13 minutes ago, hlminx said:

Thanks so much JK


I have downloaded the linked official paintkit and will now follow the isntructions above, and in your other posts.. Reckon it will be a weekend 'project'.


Sorry for so many questions..This one is a totally new area to me as i haven't used Photoshop for about 15 years and even then it was only the basics.


Appreciate your guidance :thumbup:


I'm free for a coffee on Saturday morning, maybe I can help?

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23 hours ago, mutley said:


I'm free for a coffee on Saturday morning, maybe I can help?


Hi Joe

Thanks for the offer. I would be biting your hand off, but i am supposed to be flying Saturday. If the weather looks crummy when we get to Friday PM, can i msg you?

Reckon i owe you coffees galore :)

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22 minutes ago, hlminx said:


Hi Joe

Thanks for the offer. I would be biting your hand off, but i am supposed to be flying Saturday. If the weather looks crummy when we get to Friday PM, can i msg you?

Reckon i owe you coffees galore :)


Yep, no worries Steph, just drop me a line ;)

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