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Leg 22 Madrass (VOMM) to Paro (VQPR)

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I hate that this had to happen, but it has.

I'm very busy this week with GCSE mocks, and thus will not be able to post the shots till late Friday Night, or early Saturday Morning. I'm really sorry guys, but I just don't have time to fly. In the meantime, I am taking reservations for seats on the plane to Paro. Want a free seat on this leg? Just leave something saying yes and I will do my best to include you.

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No problem Hugo, I was really quick off the mark this time which is unusual for me so must have taken you by surprise! :salute:

Count me in on the flight if there's space and a seat for the atwc_baton.png too!


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I'll take a seat on this ride. Relax a bit on route to my next leg.

Sorry to hear about the pressures of school, but just think all the hard work you put in now will lead to this type reaction when you are finally finished :yess: so hang in there big buddy. :great:

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Sorry about the delay in posting, I originally had hoped to post two days ago, but computerproblems slowed me down again. Our flight today is a 3 hour hop from a typical Indian city in Southern India to perhaps one of the most challenging airports in the World (Paro VQPR). Heres a shot of it in real life.


As you can see, it really is a remote airport. It is surrounded by mountains up to 20,000 feet higher on every side, and the approach is very tricky, with their being no ILS to make things easier. Only one scehduled airline flies there, Drukair. Their fleet consists of two A319s and some Bae146s. In fact, on my first attempt of this flight, ATC vectored me straight into a mountain, ending my flight somewhat prematurely. The second attempt, I wrote custom STARS for the airport, avoiding all mountains and enabling me to make a safe approach. Thankfully, it worked, and the baton reached it's next location. Anyhow, here are the shots.

Our lovely aircraft at the stand in Chennai (VOMM). The red carpet entrance makes up for the early departure after Mutley's late arrival. :clapping:


The baggage being loaded on, there was quite a lot with everyone's various flight charts and manuals for the later stages of the ATWC.


1/2 an hour later, it's getting light and we push back.


Taxiing to the active, very short taxi from the stand this time.


Two minutes later we're turning onto the runway.


And we're offff....


Climbing rapidly into the cloud above Madrass.


Banking over the city.


Still climbing over urban India.


Now over the Ocean.


My view.


Mutleys view, complete with information screen and hostess preparing coffee.


Mutley and Marcus' seat, don't worry about me being in the cabin, Marcus had control with Wayne and Mutley having look at the very nice controls.


Wayne and CaptHill sitting down to lunch, the baton is riding in the aft cabin on it's special sofa.


Meanwhile, the Legacy keeps cruising.


Back over India now, approaching the border of Bhutan and the Himalayas.


Some city in Northern India.


Commencing the descent.


Approaching the Himalayas.


Down we go.


And landing. I was so busy on the descent that I forgot to take shots. :thum:


Turning onto the apron.


Just to show how remote VQPR is.


Parked up, looking back at the directionwe came in.


Thanks for looking.

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Great flight, great shots!

That sure was a smooth flight flight and very good service from Sharon :smile: Nearly spilled my coffee on the departure though :clapping:

I nearly chose the Legacy for my leg but I believe the SP2 update is not out yet?

Glad you liked my choice of airports and thanks for the extra flight information!


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