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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

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Further to Uncle Martin's warning on Just Flight it has already started snowing here, I wonder what it will be like in the morning?

There are severe weather warnings out for the UK especially the South and Midlands so be careful out there.

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Thanks John, of course if I can't make the 50 mile trek into work I can always work from home, I think it will be tomorrow night when we get the Siberian stuff. Seriously though we don't usually suffer from extreme weather so when it comes we are often unprepared.

Of course it could turn out to be something of nothing, the TV and press do like to sensationalise these things, the met Office though never joke so it may be bad.


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Gatwick is closed at least till midnight. Situation started at 19:20 when the de-ice couldnt lift the ice on the runway up. Anti-ice has been put down all day but despite this its done nothing. ATC reported airport will open at 21:15 which then got put to 10:00 which has now been put upto 00:00. This is the second time this has happend within a 30 day period. The same thing happend when the de-ice for the runway froze to it. Surely Gatwicks airfield ops unit would have been more aware of this situation seing the effects first hand last time round in early January. According to my dad and indeed myself say that their equipment is none the less out of date. Infact some of their staff when I was doing work experience said to me " We have theese snow ploughs, grinders, anti icer trucks, but havnt had to use them frequently enough to use them, and thefore BAA havnt seen the need to update them to their latest"

Ill try and get some shots in the morning muters :yikes:

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Thanks for the situation report Gareth, of course being that little more East of me will mean you will get it worse than I will.

Keep the info coming, it's interesting to know what's going on.


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It happens a lot in the US too. The places that get severe weather routinely have no choice but to be prepared for it and they buy the equipment and the materials accordingly. They have the experience and the training that when they get hit hard, they come through pretty well. They may have to work harder than usual, but they're just working their routine.


On the other hand, the places that only get a bad snowstorm every other year are not going to spend much of their budget for plows and snow blowers. Neither will they have the experience to handle it well. What they do have may be poorly maintained because it's a seldom used-oddity for them. It's just the way of things.


I'd rather ride out a blizzard in the far north than some place in the middle latitudes that seldom gets them.



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Thanks John, we've not really had bad snow for years but it has been particularly bad this year like those shots I sent you, Brrrr.

The MH server is in Canada so we are pretty safe, those guys are used to it! smiley89.gif


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Very Nice! Hopefully Mrs Mutley will get a shot in today as she stayed at home.

I managed to get into work although it was touch and go for a while, got a shot on my phone so will see if it's any good for posting.

Going to leave early before that second wave of snow hits :yikes:


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Great shots Phil

This is a photo from my phone on my way into work yesterday (I am not driving btw :great: )


I am working from home today, just as well as here is what it is like here right now, there are snow showers coming up from the channel at the moment,



Take care :thum:

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what does light dusting mean?


It means just a little snow - just enough to cover the ground - like what the photos are showing.


I'm being a little facetious here, having spent 50 winters in a place where snow is serious business. That's a pretty decent snow fall, particularly for a place that is not accustomed to dealing with severe snow.



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Dont think ive actually seen snow this much! Normally I see it in the news and its all up north, but have to agree quite alot of snow for the south east. Another wave of snow due to hit on friday. So mutters, you better stay in your kennel and keep warm :great:

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I was just explaining about the snow to John in a mail. I expect there are some kids around here that have never seen lying snow!

Friday I have to go into work, a 50 mile trek West of here and back again. Not in the kennel at the moment, I am allowed in doors whilst there is snow on the ground! :great:

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Well, Surprise, Surprise - we're 400 metres from the sea and we had around 4 inches last night. So, how's about a new competition, eh?



It's Pam's - couldn't find the tractor...... :great:

Cheers - Dai. :thum:

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