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Leer 45 Problem

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I don't know for sure if this problem is limited to only the L45, but here's whats happening. I am using the L45 in Cargo Pilot, and most of the time, when I start off, the nose of the AC is sitting on top of the fuel pumps. When I do a push back, the nose stays up in the air, with the AC sitting on it's tail, no way to get it down, other than to start taxi and keep bumping the brakes to shift the weight to the nose, otherwise, it will just wheelie all the time, with no steering at all.Qand of course, as soon as it noses up, the tail takes damage.

Has anyone else ever experienced this, and iIs there anything I can do or edit to change where the AC will "spawn"?

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Hi John,

Our CP expert is away for a couple of days so I will try to help :thum:

I have not seen this myself, is the scenery you are using addon scenery or default?, or are you using using a traffic generation program?

It could be there's an AFCAD that is affecting your parking location. Is there a scenery import option in CP? If so try that.

BTW Air Hauler has now been released for download over at Just Flight :blush:


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Hi John,

The fact that you have addon scenery could be the cause if it has it's own AFCAD file determining the parking slots hence the comment about importing the scenery into CP.

One thing you could try is to make the scenery inactive in the scenery manager and see if it makes a difference?


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