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Grrrrr, Shazbat....you get the drift?

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Mmm, thanks for the pointer, Brett.

Reading the article, it is assuming that 2020 has been successfully downloaded (100+ GB or there abouts).  That is not the case on my rig.  Once the 2020 App (1 GB or there abouts) is downloaded and placed on the Start Menu, when I click on it, it attempts to run the sim, rather than download any "stuff", with "press any key".  The problem is there is no Sim software to run.

Anyway, I am just about to finish rebuilding my P3D install.  Will give 2020 another go during the week. Thanks again for the heads up.

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Ok, I kept downloading from the store until the app showed installed and in my start menu, once there and opened the press any key download all the rest of the program. You are certainly in a unique situation and I guess because of the size of the download problems can arise. I'll keep looking for your particular issue.

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The zendesk article confirms my previously-stated suspicion that the problem could be related to version 2004 of Windows 10. With update Tuesday almost here, perhaps it would be best for Arnie to delay another try until after installing the latest updates. Of course, there are three possibilities with the latest updates: 1. No difference. 2. Problem solved. 3. (Gulp) problem worse.

Hopefully, Arnie, your P3D build will be successful, which would indicate a general lack of corruption in Windows 10 and no need to repair or reinstall Windows 10.



Edited by Soaranden
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My thoughts exactly, Dan.  Waiting for Tuesdays updates.  P3D Installed, populated and running sweet as a nut, with the full ORBX TE collection plus PFJ, Holgers TF and SAK  The problem is likely caused by the way I have Windows set up.  Many services turned off etc and core stuff modified from the default.  Have run my Sim Machines like that for the last twenty years.  Much of which follows Black Viper and Nick N's suggestions.  Perhaps time now to be a good boy and comply with MS pre requisites.  Though unlikely to happen until I need to reinstall Windows.  Quite happy where I am, at the moment.

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I followed nearly all of the suggestions in Nick N's "Bible" for Windows 7, but, as I recall, I didn't do so until after I had installed MSFS in Windows 10.

I'm glad to hear that your P3D installation was successful.

Oddly enough, I haven't been able to replicate the "press any key" problem in the past few days. Maybe I've just been lucky, or maybe some change has been made on the server side.


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  • 4 months later...

Well, Ho,Ho,Ho, Xmas has come late this time around; or very early, depending on your point of view. Since September have been doing a lot of reading and viewing. Created a list of changes I may have to make to the OS on my Sim rig.

Firstly went for a replay install with system as is, with the same result. The "press any key" loop.

Reluctantly started with the easy alterations first. Reactivating previously turned off and uninstalled Apps. Gave it another try....."Quelle Surprise"  things began to happen, "avec vous un cuppa".


So, four hours later it was all downloaded, unpacked and installed, ready to use....and it worked !!  Heck of a download though, 153.16GB.  Not planning on flying just yet, need to get my head around the UI first. All looking a bit alien at the moment.

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