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Terrain Mesh question.

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Hi all.

I downloaded some terrain meshes today from Simviation.com, and now I have a question.

The three packages I got down are partially overlapping and in at least two different resolutions.

The Meshes are:

1. A 38M Mesh of the Alps by Raimondo Taburet

2. A 76M (I Think) Mesh of Scandinavia by Raimondo Taburet - J. De Ferranti

3. The SRTM 3, version 2 Europe package by the same two guys, unsure of the resolution on this one. The link says 38M but the description says 75M.

Looking at the coverage maps of the three packs No. 3 covers all of mainland Europe, The UK, Irland, North Africa and the southern parts of scandinavia, so No.1 overlaps No.3 completely. No. 2 & No.3 overlaps in the southern parts of scandinavia.

I'm also considering a 38M of france since I do most of my airhauler flights there.

My question is, if I dump all of these in the Add-on Sceneryscenery folder, what will FSX make of it? Will it become a blur, or will the Mesh with best resolution default to the top?

Any hints are most welcome.


/Micke (or Mike for those of you that can't come to terms with the swedish language)

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Hi Micke

That's a tricky question as they over-lap to some extent. FSX should take the highest resolution mesh and display that even if it is not the highest level in the scenery library.

You really cannot do any harm by loading them all and switching them on and off in turn to see what the effect is,


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Problem is that if I just dump them all in the default Add-on scenery I can't disable just one of them.

I just tried a flight out of Interlaken with only the 38M of the Alps in the scenery, and then tried it with the Europe package installed too, and it looks like the lower resolution Mesh is what i'm seeing. Even if the differences are small I didn't get the same "wow"-factor after I installed the Europe pack.

Thinking this through one more time it's logical really. Since they are in the same folder both should most likely be showing, and in hilly terrain the lower resolution mesh will bulge out from the steeper slopes of the high resolution mesh..

I guess I'll just have to do two Terrain Mesh folders, and dump the 38M ones in the folder with the highest prioity in the scenery library...

Thanks for your input though..

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Sorry, I didn't read your original post correctly :biggrin:

I guess these are .bgl files? In which case create a new folder and a sub-folder called scenery and place the .bgl folder in there then activate them separately. But then i guess you have already figured that out!


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Yeah, I got that far. Then I sat here swearing for 10 minutes because I couldn't add the folders as new areas in the library... :help:

Took another look, and the reason was obvious.. I copied the .bgl files to the wrong folder :biggrin:

But by the looks of it, now that I can easily compare, it worked like it should even when I dumped them all in the defaul Add-on scenery folder... Must be getting old, and in need of glasses....

For your viewing pleasure, heres a comparison..

Default FSX Mesh


75M Mesh


And the 38M Mesh


By the looks of it, the default resolution is also 75M in this area.

BTW, I think I saw a big blue parachute down there somewhere... could that be yours Mut?? :whis:

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