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The mighty moutains of southern UK

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I didn't know the south of england had mountain peaks that goes up to at least 20.000 feet!!



The airport in the left of the picture is Gatwick


Me thinks something is wrong with the Terrain Mesh i downloaded a couple of weeks ago.....

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Me thinks something is wrong with the Terrain Mesh i downloaded a couple of weeks ago.....

Not at all. Havn't you seen the news? It's Gordon Brown's new sceheme to stop assylum seekers and illegal immigrants getting into the country.

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Not at all. Havn't you seen the news? It's Gordon Brown's new sceheme to stop assylum seekers and illegal immigrants getting into the country.

really? I thought he'd declared a state of maximum alert and called all relevant agencies to implement the "Tools Down It's Tea Time" emergency plans preventing any back-handed immigration work getting done.

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Looks abit like the Iron Curtain :whis: all you have to do is start digging. :rockon:

Some one is already doing the digging for me. :wow:

Look at the overhead shot, to the left and right of the peaks are what looks like bottom-less pits, and as I flew further west the wall came up, while the eastern parts of it changed in to deep pits. And so it continued until I made it to the channel.. Even had to divert from my flight plan because I didn't feel like trying to fly trough it... with a cancelled IFR-plan beeing the result.. what's worse, it was the second time I had my IFR-plan cancelled in the same flight :stars:

First time was on take off.. as soon as I got airborne it was clear that the tower at the airport I was departing (Odiham AFB, EGVO) was on the same frequency as a nearby ATIS.. so all I could do for 5 minutes was listen to the ATIS, and then get a frustrated tower saying "Did you hear my last transmition?" only to have the ATIS comming on again before I could respond :smile:

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I can see what you mean now. :stars: They are not pits, that is where we started digging the Channel Tunnel many years ago, then change our minds as it was in the wrong place :wow: and turned it into the M25. Maybe you were right the first time it is the Pits :rockon: if you have ever been stuck in a traffic jam and you are trying to get to Gatwick, Heathrow, Luton or Stanstead in a hurry. :smile: :whis:

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