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ZIGGY4 arrival into Ontario

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Hi all,

Thought I'd share these with you. They are the shots I took of my arrival into LA-Ontario as MetroAir flight 427 from Seattle. Coming from the north the ZIGGY4 arrival is used a lot at Ontario - and it's one of my favourite approaches as it gives some fantastic views of the high mountains which surround KONT and make it such an interesting place to operate from.

It's worth noting that my FS PC is absolutely ancient and these shots are nowhere near the quality I'm seeing elsewhere on these forums, but I'll give it a go anyway :winka:

Just starting our descent from 37,000ft, enroute to the Shafter (EHF) VOR.


Turning at Palmdale (PMD).


As we descend we get an exciting (or scary, depending on how you feel about flying) view of the mountains surrounding the San Bernardino Valley.


A quick cockpit shot showing the route and altitude constraints we'll be using to pick our way between the mountains.


Beautiful scenery provided by FSGlobal.


We've been given runway 08L which necessitates flying around the airport, over the Greater Los Angeles area.


The STAR tells us to fly to the Paradise (PDZ) VOR and then take radar vectors to final approach.


Taking our vectors and getting lower and slower as company traffic is shown on approach on the TCAS.


A spotter catches the daily Seattle flight as we configure for landing.


Around 5nm from the threshold of 08L, the A319 is lining up with the localiser.


I've had a run of bad landings lately and apart from being a little off-centre I was pleased with this one. Slowing down.


The Electric Jet shut down and deplaning at a near-deserted MetroAir terminal.


Thanks for reading, comments welcome :rofl: Sorry again about the quality, there's been so much time away from FS I've forgotten how to make it any better! Perhaps a hardware upgrade is necessary :cool:



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