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Real World Aviation....or Not!

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Weird, very weird!

I try to be sceptical without sufficient evidence, but I have to admit, when experienced observers like pilots spot such things it does make me wonder.

My father used to read UFO stuff when I was a kid, so I guess I've always had a fascination for such things.

With the French authorities releasing their files on such occurrences recently, I guess there will be plenty of UFO documentaries hitting the airwaves soon.

The one that has always fascinated me, was the case of two Belgium F16's that were on an exercise. Ground radar picked up an unidentified object and vectored the two F16's to intercept. The lead aircraft picked it up on his Westinghouse radar and closed in. When he came within visual range he described it as a black triangle. The object immediately accelerated to mach 7 and made a sudden right turn, not a gentle curve put a sudden 90-degree change of direction. The acceleration was said to be instant, just a jump from one velocity to the next. The G forces that structure of the object and the occupants (if there were any) must have been subjected to would be enormous, enough to disintegrate any structure we know off and render the occupants a stain on the vehicles wall.

That’s radar on the ground, radar in both aircraft and a visual.

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UFOs over the Channel Islands. Maybe one of you guys could fly out and investigate.


I'll go! I can get there pretty quickly with my go-faster flight sim :mrhappy:

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