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SlimAir Logistics Website

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Hi Guys,

I am proud to announce the launch of SlimAir Logistic's new company website


It currently is setup on a mobile me Mac account to test it out for 60 days, let me know what you all think, has taken me about a week to put together with all the screenshots. I have also linked back to Mutley's Hanger and the main Air Hauler website. It would be great if you like it enough to have links posted back to me from these sites, might encourage others to take the game that little bit further.

Check out the blog which is up to date and took the longest to put together along with all the screenshots.

I look forward to hearing what you all think....

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Hi Phil,

From my first look I would give it 10/10 for design and layout, it's really very good.

I haven't read all the blog yet but will do soon, it's nice to see it go right back to September when you started.

You should post this in the Air Hauler forum for maximum exposure, it might encourage others to do the same.


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I agree with Joe. It looks good - great eye for design. I can't do it, but know it when I see it. Too bad about that Mac though.

I also agree about making a post with a link at the JF/AH site. I'm going to post a link to it on the AH Tester's site too.

Nice work.


EDIT: When I got to the Tester's site, Joe had already beat me there and posted the link.


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Thanks for your encouragement guys.

I sort of cheated a little as it is a theme on iweb on the mac, which just made it easier and quicker to put together. I could have done it the hard way in Dreamweaver, but don't have enough hours in the day and wanted something quick.

Oh and a little trick is to export the cash book out of Air Hauler so that you can tell when you purchased/leased aircraft or opened new bases. And the pilots list had their start dates thank god, so I managed to extract everything I needed out of the game to bring the blogs up to date. Although I had to have a bit of a fly around in the Airbus in the native FSX to get some of the screenshots as I haven't ranked up enough yet in Air Hauler, so I jumped around a few airports to get all the bases too.

Anyway let me know what feedback you get from the AH Tester's site. I have just posted the same post to AH site tonight, wanted to see what you all thought first....

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Hi Guys,

It looks like quite a few people are looking at the site which is great news. I am trying to update the blog each day along with the status of the company as a whole on the about us page and any pilot promotions.

One of my AI Pilots "David Perry" messed up big time the other day when he just stopped and did nothing and a load of jobs didn't get complete in time, still unsure why but he will be receiving disciplinary action today so read the blog to see what happens to him tonight.

If you can think of anything for me to add to the site please shout and I will consider it.

Don't forget you can look "SlimAir Logistics" up on the stats site too....

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From the Tester's site...

That blog is amazing - very professional!
Very nice. That's one of the default template from iLife on the Mac, but it's nicely done never the less.
I am beginning to get a little more interested in Mac's.
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From the Tester's site...

That blog is amazing - very professional!
Very nice. That's one of the default template from iLife on the Mac, but it's nicely done never the less.
I am beginning to get a little more interested in Mac's.

That's great stuff, thanks for posting across. I am trying to update the blog each day to increase visits and interest to the site. I am also update the about page and pilots pages as and when are necessary and adding images as and when I can, I can't believe I have had almost 60 visits already in just a few days.

Check out my blog on what happens to my AI Pilot David Perry who faced his disciplinary hearing yesterday...

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Hi Guys,

I have just updated the site with some more information. You will now see a NEW PAGE which details a top 10 list of cargo and passenger airports around the world in 2008 with data collected from Wikipedia.

I have also updated the About, Pilots, Blog and Base Photo pages.

Currently I have 25 bases in Europe, 15 Planes and 14 AI Pilots.

Keep enjoying and read up on the blog, all suggestions welcome...

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Still looking good Phil, why was that pilot dismissed? Did I miss something?

Phase 2 looks nearly complete :winka:

(Also slight typo on the Technical page, Mega Airport - Lison )


For some reason he just stopped and AH failed a load of jobs because of it, still unsure why, but it damaged the companies reputation massively so I thought it would add a good story to the mix, so he was disaplined over a few days then worked his notice before being sacked. I am still trying to get my reputation back. Not getting enough time as been quite busy at work, will get there soon.

I am toying over paying off one of my Airbus A321's or taking out a lease on an Airbus A380 Cargo as one of my pilots should rank up very soon...

Just breaking out of Europe too, so Phase 3 is in its early stages. Hoping to get a base in China and then Hong Kong very soon too and then hopefully one of my favourites which is Honolulu...

I'm glad people are enjoying it...

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Hi Guys,

Well spotted, all sorted now...

I was sure I copy and pasted that too, ah well it is fixed now so all is right in the FSX world now :great:

Hang on a mo, something wrong with the world of Internet today, won't let me update my AH stats or upload the site amendments, rebooted my router and still the same, will try again tonight.

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Hi Guys,

Just updated SlimAir Logistics Website again, hope you are following the blog still as base expansion has restarted and further purchases of planes and hiring of pilots will hopefully start again this week.


SlimAir Logistics is proud to announce it is now the 11th largest Air Hauler operation in the world in regards to number of bases and should reach the top ten within the next few weeks.

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SlimAir Logistics is proud to announce it is now the 11th largest Air Hauler operation in the world in regards to number of bases and should reach the top ten within the next few weeks.

That's pretty impressive Phil, well done!

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SlimAir Logistics is proud to announce it is now the 11th largest Air Hauler operation in the world in regards to number of bases and should reach the top ten within the next few weeks.

That's pretty impressive Phil, well done!

Thanks m8,

It's been an uphill struggle since that AI pilot messed up the reputation, but getting back on track now, been doing at least one flight myself each night. I fly with the time set to real time and the weather downloading from the net, although I haven't worked out how to get that to stay on as default and have to set it each flight.

Had an amazing flight into the Alps last night, extremely steep approach and even harder getting back out, not sure where it was, that's the beauty of AH :biggrin:

Giving my AI plenty of time now to complete jobs, which seems to be working as gives them time for any mishaps, repairs or 100 hour checks...

Currently flying a Boeing 737-800 myself as my Airbus A321 kept nose diving when landing for some reason, which cost me lots in repairs :nea: Not sure about trying the Airbus 380 or Boeing 747 yet, will need to have some practice in FSX on its own before I buy one for myself, but hoping to start getting AI into them soon and get some more pilots on the go.

Will have to build new PC and work out how to transfer the AH data across, although I intend to re-install main FSX game and packs...

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