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Sucked into a Jet Engine!

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I say, damned bad luck.

I was watching Brainiac today and it would not have looked out of place on there :dance:

Specially the shot at the end with the guy in bandages.

Thanks Martin

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That's only one of many hazards on a carrier flight deck. The AC looked like one of the A-6 variants, and

the placement of the intakes is pretty close to the nose gear leg, where the shuttle and hold-back link are

attached. It kind of looks like the engine may have been at take-off power already when the guy moved

in there. I doubt that would have happened at a low power setting, but I'm not sure.

Interesting video and I'm very glad he survived. I wouldn't have thought so from the initial sequence.


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I think John's probably right, it must have been takeoff power.

I wonder what went through his mind as he was sucked inside?

I guess the fan blades were far enough inside to miss him.

I presume the commotion that came out of the exhaust nozzle was due to the restriction of airflow. The richer fuel mixture as a result of the restricted air flow must have been responsible for the flash.

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I presume the commotion that came out of the exhaust nozzle was due to the restriction of airflow. The richer fuel mixture as a result of the restricted air flow must have been responsible for the flash.


Probably right, though it may also have ingested bits and pieces like gloves, helmet, or whatever else

the airstream could strip off him. That's one lucky and unlucky gent - God must still have something

for him to do.

I think the Navy was experimenting with some kind of metal hooks sewn (stoutly) into clothing that would

catch the lip of the air intake in cases like this, but never heard what came of it. It sounds like a solution

that might create more new problems, but if the one you're trying to prevent is catastrophic, might

still be worthwhile.

I feel pretty sure that one or more flight deck safety rules were violated here. I would not be surprised to

learn he ended up before a Captain's Mast before the dust settled.


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I see a couple of things in the Super Etendard sequences. There does not appear to be 30 knots of wind

over the deck. In one of the sequences you see the steam plume from the catapult slot just whisping

back along the deck. From the slowly changing angle of the helicopter in the sequence from the fixed

camera, it's obvious the ship is not moving very fast either.

Also, the initial acceleration didn't look right. I think the mechanical failure might have been the

dreaded "cold cat shot" where the catapult just didn't get him to the right speed. There are a multitude

of things that can cause that.

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Difficult to say John but I would have though it not to be lack of airspeed, it wasn't just a stall; it was a definite sudden pitch up.

Not sure how the system works for this aircraft but I know an F18 pilot keeps his hands off the controls for the takeoff, it’s automatic to a point.

The general consensus from what I've seen on the net regarding this accident, is that the pilot was German, on temporary assignment with the French, he made the classic mistake with a carrier launch, the instinct to pull back on the stick. Apparently no stick input should be required in this aircraft.

Who knows I can't find anything definitive.

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