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Something special has arrived, photoreal Holland!

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It has been a very busy weekend for me as I used the bank holiday to organise many more screen shots that I have been collecting and was preparing them to post but then came a wonderful surprise. It was the arrival of NL2000v4 photo real scenery of Holland, the place of my birth and childhood! I have been eagerly awaiting this release for nearly 2 years now and has it been worth the wait? Oh boy it certainly has been worth the wait! I simply had to take some shots of this beautifully created scenery and as I am rather choked up with memories & emotions of my country of birth right now, any words simply fail me (wipes a tear from the eyes), so let my screen shots speak for themselves.

The country of my birth, The Netherlands:











PS this scenery, which weighs in at a total of 32GB!, is unbelievably enough, FREEWARE (http://www.nl-2000.com/nuke/index.php)! However, they do appreciate voluntary donations to cope with ISP/hosting/etc costs. So if you are like me and will be enjoying this scenery for many many hours/weeks/years to come, then perhaps a donation would be worth it.

Thank you for watching and see you in the next series.

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Thanks guys for your praise & comments, I hope my screen shots did this wonderful scenery justice cause it really is something special.

George: That is Carenado's F33a Bonanza it is one of the default paints.

Rob: Yes, NL2000v3 is a fair few years old now and only works on FS9 and it hardly had any seeders due to it being old. However, plenty of seeders for the V4 version, so indulge yourself :winka:.

Brain: Holland is as flat as a pancake, so no mountains :thum:

Raymond: I felt very nostalgic & emotional when I loaded up the scenery of my birth town, seeing it in such amazing high res and detail, I could even pick out the place I was born and the house I lived in my early years.

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Hi Soya,

I can understand your feelings when you get photoscenery of this quality of a place you have an emotional tie too.

Desktop wallpaper material for sure, great colours and great clarity, you made an excellent job of showing it off.


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Hi Guys,

I love these, will download the lot when I get back on my other pc in a week or two, I could never get my UK scenery to look this good, so I think I need to play with my settings a little more....

Oh and if you are running windows 7, it is easy to make a nice theme of these, I have my SlimAir Theme :-)

Nice shots m8

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