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Here's a few shots that did not make it in the bush flying competition, but that I liked anyway. Maybe you do too.




A Catalina of Alaska-Ellis airways, somewhere over Tongass, and the weather is not getting any better...


An SOE Lysander on it way to drop supplies and agents somewhere in occupied France. If that isn't bush flying...

Bush to me is the Australian bush, where I spent so much of my time as a geologist. Geo's do a lot of flying there too, especially for aerial photography and mineral exploration.

Here's a Hudson of Adastra on a survey:


and the Catalina they used for their geophysical surveys:


When the Dutch Air Force bought a number of Mustangs for use in the Dutch East Indies during the war, they were delivered in Bundaberg. The Dutch pilots had to fly them to Darwin for the crossing to Timor, passing over the Australian bush:


My first fieldtrip in Oz was supported by the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR). When I discovered that they used to fly the ultimate bush aircraft, the twin otter, I had to paint that of course. Getting all those stickers on was a nightmare:



Bush flying, beach flying, very similar:


and finally, a P-40 over the Western Desert, 1942. I think that qualifies as bush flying too:


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A very entertaining post jankees

I absolutely love the Lysander and your sunset shot is now the wallpaper on my laptop!

The stickers on the Twotter remind me of an old fashioned suitcase totally covered with stickers.

Superb :clapping:


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