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Palomar to San Jose

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This is less about screen captures and more about what happened, but since there are two screenies, I posted it in this forum. My apologies if this is not correct.

Today, I decided to take a nice, long flight from Palomar to San Jose, California outside of San Francisco in the SlikAir B1900C N190SA. It's a nice flight along the coast, usually above some inversion layer clouds, but beautiful ocean or coastal cliffs and hills pop through the clouds here and there.


About half-way to San Juan, I decided to check my fuel burn and found that I was going through more of it than I had planned for. This wasn't good, as the FAR's dictate a 45 minute reserve upon landing for commercial aircraft. I pulled the torque down from a flow rate of 360 to 270 (economy cruise) and hoped for the best.

To make matters just a bit more fun was the fact that ATC had cleared me for a visual approach on an IFR flight, and there were clouds down as far as I could see. I was lucky to see any blue skies at all!


As I got within about 8 miles of our destination, the clouds melted away and it was clear enough to make a nice (but a bit hard; no damage) landing. I taxied to our gate and shut down the engines as quickly as I could and upon checking the fuel, found that we had JUST BARELY enough to satisfy any nosey FAA inspectors.

Dodged a bullet... I need to be careful with this stuff!

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They say the only time you can have too much fuel is when your aircraft is on fire.

On long flights I do a 10 minute fuel flow check as soon as I'm at ToC and then continue to

monitor at less frequent intervals until I'm sure I've got it made. I fly with RW weather, so

winds aloft can change things quickly.

Glad you saved it.


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