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A Month of Airport Bumming in Florida

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These were taken throughout the month, some at Ocala and some elsewhere.

The first one is a Pilatus PC-12 parked at Ocala. I’ve seen as many as three of these in here at once.

I think two of them are based here. The shadow on the right edge of the picuture is - - - - can you guess - - - -

drum roll - - - - yes, it’s a cyclone fence wire about an inch from the lens.


This was a place that seemed to specialize in go-fast GA aircraft. I think the one in the foreground is an

Extra 300. Note the 45 degree visual reference flags on the wingtips.


Same place, different plane. I don’t know what this is.


Same place; Extra 300 in the foreground, I think. The two in the back appear to be the same model,

but am not sure of what they are.


This place shall remain un-named, as we were decidedly unwelcome. After cruising their parking lot and

taking a few photos over the fence, we were followed when we left until they got close enough to get our

license number. Since we were in my brother’s truck, I didn’t worry about it too much – but he did.

This is not a military field; it’s in a remote corner of a medium-size GA airport. The facility we were

looking at is a small industrial hangar owned by a major military contractor. Visible in the background

are parts and pieces of a dismantled E2-C Hawkeye, the Navy’s carrier-based mini-AWACS, plus an

extra radome. Note the propeller blades – more than the standard 3 or 4.


Same location – E2-C Hawkeye wings, rudders and radomes.


Same facility – different angle. There are three vertical stabilizers sticking up here, one sans rudder,

with some interesting looking markings on them. These may be F-5s, but not sure. These could be Aggressor

Squadron AC, used to simulate foreign AC for military pilots to train against at places like Nellis. That’s

only a guess, however. Come to think of it, the one in the middle looks like some of the enemy “Migs

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