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What to get, what to get.....

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I need a new airplane but I don't know what to get.

No jets or GA aircraft. Got enough of them.

It has to be a prop but I don't know if I want a commuter plane or a warbird (I want both actually but the budget says otherwise). JF has half price on a pre-order of the Spitfire MK V. Sounds like a good deal. But there is also that new Stuka Vs Hurricane package from First class, although PC Pilot gives it only a 75 out of 100 and it is also more thatn twice as expensive as the Spitfire.

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. :winka:


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Have a browse through our reviews, that's what they're there for! http://mutleyshangar.com/reviews.htm

Or try the brand new new Carenado C208B Grand Caravan http://justflight.com/product.asp?pid=537 and Air Hauler

or the Real Air Beech Duke if you want a twin? http://www.flight1.com/products.asp?product=raduke


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Thank you everyone for your tips and advice.

After careful consideration I have made a decision.

While the PMDG J41 is certainly a top notch plane I did not choose it for two reasons. Mostly because I did not feel like another procedural plane right now and also it is expensive. Well worth it, but $45 is a lot at the moment.

I strongly considered the Flight1 ATR-72 but ultimately did not get it because it also seems like a procedural plane and it comes with a 400+ page pdf manual. Wow! :biggrin: I think I may get this in the future when I have more time to read. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against procedural planes, I love the Captain Sim C-130, but that manual is only 230 pages of which I still have not read all of it.

So, what did I decide upon???????????????????

I chose








Just Flights new Spitfire Mk V! I have always been impressed with the quality of their planes. I love the 767-200/300 F-Lite. And the Mosquito. And the C-152.

And the best part is, after redeeming all of my Just Rewards it cost me only 6 cents. :cool: That's correct fellow simmers, six pennies!! Now that's gotta be the bargain of the year for me. I can dig that kind of change out from under the seat cushions.

Now, If I can only wait 10 more days for the release. Glad it's the download version at least. No waiting for the mail man. (though I do like getting deliveries that are marked Royal Mail Air Mail :thumbup: ).

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