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Rise of Flight

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The first thing one should do when starting to fly the aircraft in this excellent sim, is to fly the tutorial campaign.

Below are a dozen pics - reduced in size - from the first few tutorial missions, in the SPAD XII.

This is the SPAD:


In the tutes, it's very much like in FSX - you fly through the green rings, in order:


This is the first view you get in the first mission:


You do a mix of stuff - straight and level, slalom etc.

This is the briefing for the second tute:


It's a circuit flying job. Just the one - not too difficult:


The third mission is designed to get you to fly at the limits of the aircraft - treetop level, then climbing and diving (90 to 350kph are the limits), then inducing and recovering from a stall spin







It's rip-roaringly good and exciting stuff! Those stalls are extremely difficult to pull out of once the spin speed build up - and very easy to find yourself in during combat :001_th_smiles48:

These instruments are vital - along with the speedo and altimeter, on the right side.


Graphics are gorgeous all round.

After the broadband slamming thing, I got myself a real nasty duodenal ulcer and have been feeling the pits (thanks, Talk Talk! :mad: )- this sim has put a smile back firmly on my chops! :pilotic:


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I have to say Rise of Flight is arguably the best combat simulator in terms of realism, graphics, sounds, and just the thrill of flying. I had bought this game only after Cody of Jaggyroad Films made his "Hearts & Minds" film, and already I can firmly say that this game deserves no lower than a 9/10. Magnificent shots; they capture all of Rise of Flight's facets.


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Thanks for the comments, chaps - Dai, if you want to have a go 2-up at some stage, let me know and I'd be up for it.

I've not tried online play, yet, but will have to give it a go at some stage.

I'm currently still stuck on mission 3 in the tutorial campaign - that's the low flying one shown above. The first two stages are pretty easy - the low flying, then climbing and diving and doing a gentle slalom at minimum flight speed. It's the final part that has me foxed - stall recovery.

You have to put the aircraft into a stall and then recover. It sounds simple, but you have to wait until the sim tells you that it has accepted your stall and spin condition, before you can recover. So far, my spins have been so violent that by the time I get the 'OK', it's too late to pull out before hitting the deck! Frustration.

I did manage to stop the spin once, but it then instantly started spinning in the opposite direction! :icon_yikes:

Oh, Mother....


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I'll put some more shots up in the week - I just bought a few more planes in the latest 'sale' by neoqb - each at $2.99 to $3.99 - seeing as the sim itself only cost me £9.99, I don't mind shelling out a little extra for some add-on planes that, had I paid the full whack, I would have expected to be thrown in for nought (a la IL-2 - thanks Oleg - you're a great sport!).

Today I bought the Sopwith Triplane & Camel, the SE5a, the Airco DH2 (old fave of mine) and the upcoming Handley Page 0/400 bomber. That will be released with the next patch.

Pity all the 'bundles' have aircraft from both sides, except the one which has two German aircraft. Why not have one with two allied ones? I'm British - I fly for my country and its allies, I'm ex-military in RL, I ain't flying for the Krauts! (no offence :th_smiles73: ).

Seriously - my ex-wife and my son are German and I spent about 17 years living there.

Also, dann....


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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, today I finally managed to test my new aircraft.

First up is the SE5a - well known and absolute beaut:



Next up is the famous Sopwith Camel:



One of my old faves - the Airco DH.2:





This is the Sopwith Triplane:



...and finally, the newest and one of the most fun to fly - another one well known to myself (due to cigarette cards collection as a boy) - the Handley Page 0/400 bomber:


I can imagine quite few "Oi! Mind yer bonce..." type comments from the pilot in this one


There's another gunner to the rear of the cockpit:


This is a nice view:


Need your bino's to read the engine gauges:


Here you can see the bomb bay:


This is the target for today:


Bombs away!


Great fun! :icon_thumbup:


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