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I am trying to make my Saitek X52 joystick work with FSUIPC. I have programmed Mode 1 with basic aircraft commands and all is OK, but when I move to Modes 2 and 3 they do not work. If I go to Mode 2 the Mode 1 commands still respond, but Modes 2 and 3 do not. So effectively I have a 3 mode stick which only works in 1 mode.

I have contacted Pete Dowson but his very prompt response on New Year's Day is that he is doubtful that the X52 Modes 2 and 3 will work with FSUIPC. Having purchased a FSU licence to be able to use all the FSU features this is not good news.

Does anybody have a X52 which is running under FSU and uses Modes 2 and 3, please?

If so, can you please tell me how you do it? (I am using FSX with Win 7)

Thank you,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I do.

BUT, Peter D is correct that you cannot program the X52 completely with FSUIPC.

The only way is to use FSUIPC for setting up the axis - elevator, rudders, throttles etc, and you can save "Aircraft Specific" settings using this.

But, for the buttons and general commands, you need to use the SST software I'm afraid, if you want the 3 different (and pinkie = 6) modes.

To be honest, it's no big deal, as the real benefit of FSUIPC, is getting the various axies (axis's, axes ??? !!! Doh !), calibrated correctly for each plane on an indivdual basis. And of course there are macros... although I've not managed to get that working yet.

There are also a number of other useful functions of FSUIPC, like weather smoothing and my favourite "Disconnect elevator and throttle axes when AP is ON", The latter is invaluable, as many of my a/c will cut off the AP if I so much as touch the trims. Then I fall out of the sky as all the alarms go off, and all hell breaks loose - then I die: alone, cold and miserable.

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Dear Gabe,

Thank you for your reply.

There is a rather odd work around which was found by Gypsy Baron. It is reported as "Interesting discovery vis-a-vis Saitek "Mode" switch" which can be found in Pete D's site. The address of the post is http://forum.simflight.com/topic/67099-interesting-discovery-vis-a-vis-saitek-mode-switch/page__p__421203__hl__%2Bgypsy+%2Bbaron__fromsearch__1#entry421203

Basically what he found was that if you open the Saitek X52 properties window and LEAVE IT OPEN whilst flying FSX the mode switch and a couple of buttons on the throttle now work. Close the window and they are switched off. I now have a shortcut to the X52 Devices & Controllers screen and then manually open the Properties window before starting FSX, a minor irritaton but it means I can use FSUIPC. (I am using Win 7)

The other downside is that if you wish to use the 3 modes you have to use the script for all 3 Modes. The script is:

Item#=CP(+0,27)0,Button#,Command#,9 (Note there are no spaces in the script)

The actual script is 8=CP(+0,27)0,7,C65589,9

In English this means

8=Compound Pulse(Joystick no, Mode 1) Joystick button no i.e 0,7, FSX command no C65589,9

In my set up this means the instruction in line 8 is

"In Mode 1 pressing joystick button 7 toggles the spoilers". The last 9 is, I am told, a "command parser". Whatever that is

I could then make button 7 in Mode 2 have a different function i.e.


9=CR(+0,28)0,7,C65735,0 i.e.

9=Compound Repeat(Joystick no, Mode 2) Joystick button no i.e 0,7, FSX command no C65735,0

Line 9 means "In Mode 2 pressing button 7 pan the view down" I have no idea what the difference between 0 and 9 is.

(On my stick Mode 1 = 0,27, M2 = 0,28 and M3 = 0,29)

The other downside is that if you want to go this route you need to insert all the Mode "bit" into all the commands (i.e. for M1, 2 and 3). In my case I have set all my basic commands in Mode 1 using the normal FSUIPC window, then go into the FSUIPC.INI file and change the script from P0,2,C#,9 to CP(+0,28)0,2,C#,9

It is a fag and I am not sure if I will continue with it. I have enough difficulty remembering the commands for 2 Modes so I think 6 (with the "pinkie") would be too much. I value FSU because I can set the stick sensitivity using the slope command. I have not tried SST but when I contacted their support people I had the feeling I knew more about their product than they did.

I hope this helps and you do not fall out of the sky too often. At least in FSX you can pick yourself up and have another go.

Thanks for your comments,


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Crikey, I got lost after "In English... " !!! :001_th_smiles48:

Basically, I think there may be a benefit to having the entire controller system run by FSUIPC, as you can make plane-specific setups etc.

But, you can also do this by having multiple profiles for the Saitek using the standard SST software.

FSUIPC is complicated enough, and I only use even the axis calibration tool if I'm having a problem with a specific aircraft to be honest.

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Thanks for your reply.

I agree, FSU is very powerful but you have to be very dedicated to use it. I have tried to use SST, but because I have been using FSU which is menu driven it took me a long time to realise SST is keyboard driven and, as I said before, the SST Support did not fill me with confidence so I struggled with FSU.

Can you please tell me more about SST? I realise they have profiles but do you have to set up "common commands" say, the joystick sensitivity, for each plane or can you have a base set of instructions and simply add specific commands for each aircraft by using an "Aircraft Profile"?

In FSU I have set up a set of "common commands" in Mode 1 i.e. flaps up, down, gear up down, spoilers etc and then have an extra section in Mode 2 for a 737 i.e. thrust reverser etc, another for the F-18, toggle hook etc and another for the C-130 cargo ramp up/down. When FSU loads it looks at the aircraft in use and then activates the relevant section by reading

[buttons.FA-18 Hornet]



[buttons.C-130 Hercules]


I appreciate your comments.


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It is easy to make a "Base" profile and then just load it and make specific changes for individual planes if you wish.

SST is very complex, and capable of great things, but I only use basic functionality to be honest.

But, yes you can have lots of profiles, and then just right click the icon in the task tray and load qhichever you want to use.

I use the the Control Panel for the Saitk to set basic deadzones etc. and then fine tune it in the FS9/FSX control panel. BUT... you need to check that the joystick assignments in the sim control settings have been deleted.

They often reset... typical I guess... so you need to check this periodically - or after a crash or CFG rebuild.

The other problem, is finding the driver and SST software, that are compatible, and work in your O/S. I've had some fun with that believe me.

Worse part is... they have stopped support for the standard X52... so no drivers on their site !!!!!!!!! Schmucks.

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Dear Gabe,

Now you have me confused.

I am unclear about what you refer to as "Control Panel" in "I use the the Control Panel for the Saitk to set basic deadzones etc. and then fine tune it in the FS9/FSX control panel. BUT... you need to check that the joystick assignments in the sim control settings have been deleted."

Do you mean the FSX panel found in Settings\Controls\Calibration\Controller? How do you "fine tune"?

I have looked at the Saitek site and found these drivers: Saitek_X52_Flight_Controller_SD6_32.exe and Saitek_X52Pro_Flight_Controller_SD6_32.exe which are both for Vista and Win 7 32 bit. Do these not work?

It took me a long time to figure out how to program the X-Rotation button in SST, I use this button in FSU to set the trim and it works well. The trouble was that when I was using SST in Virtual Cockpit in FSX moving the X-Rotation wheel caused the view to pan around the cockpit at a dizzying speed. Which is why I have been looking at FSU again.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Can I vote in your Presidential Campaign?


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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I use the Saitek_X52_Flight_Controller and the SST programer. I have delevoped profiles for FSX that will work with about any A/C. Nice to fly and have almost every command at your fingertip on the joystick or thottle. Tehre are still a few that you need to go to keyboard for but not many.


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