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A chopper I might even consider buying

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After 2,5 years in development Aerosoft are preparing to release their Bell 205 Huey. If nothing major turns up in the next day or so the digital download version are scheduled for release on wednesday according to their preview forum.

I have never really managed to master the art of flying rotorcrafts in FSX before, but this one might make it into my hangar on sentimental grounds. One of the first flight sims I toyed around with way back in the 80's was a Huey simulator for the Atari 520ST.. But needless to say the Aerosoft model looks a tiny bit better :th_smiles73:

Some VC shots.

And a few external shots.

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Sorry, Stu - I've been using the Dodo-Sim 206 for a few months and, I guess, I've got too immersed in 'rotor-head' terminology! TIY is for Torque Induced Yaw - the counter-inertia effect of increasing (or decreasing) the rotor-blade angle of attack (controlled by the collective) when you want to ascend or descend. Depending on the direction of rotation of the main rotor, when you pull up the collective, to ascend, you induce a turning effect (yaw) on the fuselage. This torque induced yaw (TIY) has to be balanced by an 'opposing' turning torque from the tail rotor - controlled by the pedals. So, as you raise the collective when you lift off, you feel the aircraft turning, say, anti-clockwise - away from the direction you wish to travel - so you press on the right pedal to compensate.

I guarantee you will find the Dodo-Sim 206 an absolute nightmare to fly after the default (M.S.) helicopters! The default helo's do not simulate TIY, but the Dodo-Sim has it in spades!! :thum:

Hope that helps - and apologies again for speaking 'rotor-head'... : :icon_blahblah:


Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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