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Getting the Planes Ready

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Along with getting back to sim flying, I was finally able to pull some of the planes off the wall in the garage and work on getting them ready to fly again.


It's been five years since I flew these planes, so there was a lot to look over. There was some corrosion I had to clean, and the battery technology has surpassed my planes (and my batteries all no longer hold a charge) so I had to pick up some LiPo batteries yesterday and then put new connectors on the planes.

I took the Super Cub out today for four flights, but on my very last approach, I misjudged my distance to a stop sign and the wing of the plane hit it. Everything looked okay until I looked at the trailing edge of the wing where it connects to the fuselage; broken. I had to get some foam glue to reset it, and it's drying right now. I hope to get another flight in today before the winter storm gets here. It's beautiful outside with calm winds, so it was the worst possible time to ding the plane.

As for the Mustang, I need to get the connector fixed. I soldered the leads to the wires, but the leads aren't seating properly within the case that holds the leads (the connector). I am about to go to the hobby store to get more. Also, the Mustang requires very large space as it is a very fast plane. I can fly the Super Cub off the street in front of my house. The Mustang: not so much.

I may take the Mustang out if I can fix the connector to a large field close to my house.

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Maybe to slow the Mustang down a bit fit a higher-drag 4-blader prop? I don't know much about RC aircraft though!

Looks nice!


I've been re-learning a lot about R/C flying, and found that when flying electric, the prop effects the wattage of the plane more than anything else. The draw on the battery is determined by a mix of the motor and the prop, and changing the prop just one pitch can add or decrease battery life significantly. I am about to go to a different prop on the Super Cub that should give more power and better battery life. It's amazing you can get both from one prop over the "stock" prop.

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...and that P-51 is no more! I took it out and it took off and climbed well, but when I turned it and brought it around, the wing flexed and it went into a spin and destroyed itself. Oh well; it was a Frankenplane anyway (old wings, new fuse, recycled gear inside).

I'm getting a new plane tomorrow; can't decide on whether I should get the Wildcat or the Thunderbolt. Decisions, decisions.

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Tut tut tut -over G-ed it!

My adivce - get a Thunderbolt!

I did before, but not this time. I took the plane up knowing it had a defect in the wing, only I thought it would hold. I was wrong, and now it's in the garage broken.

As for the Jug, I am getting one either later today or tomorrow. I have the servos for the flaps already, and I will probably pick up the retracts when I get the plane. I have a DX6i waiting to bind to it. :)

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Tut tut tut -over G-ed it!

My adivce - get a Thunderbolt!

I did before, but not this time. I took the plane up knowing it had a defect in the wing, only I thought it would hold. I was wrong, and now it's in the garage broken.

As for the Jug, I am getting one either later today or tomorrow. I have the servos for the flaps already, and I will probably pick up the retracts when I get the plane. I have a DX6i waiting to bind to it. :)

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I got the Jug! I ended up ordering the retracts from Horizon as they were half-price from what the local hobby shop was charging for them. Prices at the shop are normally pretty awesome (equal to the best prices I can find online for most things) but for whatever reason, the retracts are very expensive there. Anyway, they should be here next week for me to put in. I also found out I had the wrong servos, so I got a pair that will be used for the flaps. My wife actually supported me getting the plane, so it makes me extra happy. She said she'd paint nose art on it for me (she's an amazing artist). I think I'm going to name it the "Sherry Elisabeth" after her. :) My first Mustang was named Fiona, and I remember she was a bit sad that I didn't name it after her.


The Jug with the ol' Super Cub to her right (our left).

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I've been flying the heck out of the Super Cub as well as my newest plane, the Ultra-Micro Mustang by Parkzone. It's a lot of fun and flies in a really small area quite well. As a plane that weighs just over an ounce, it can be a handful to fly in the wind, but it's GREAT training for the Jug!

As for the Super Cub, I got bored with the stock paint so I turned it into a WWII L-4. I'm still missing the insignia on the empennage and some markings on the vertical stab, but those will be done this week. The extra weight of the paint hasn't effected its flight characteristics and actually strengthened the surface of the EPS foam. It definitely feels more sturdy now. Paint used: Rust-oleum.


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I prefer the new paint on the Cub EJ, makes her look like she means business!

Thanks! I was thinking of doing some weathering, but I can't figure out what would weather on such a small plane in a way that would be left alone by maintenance. If I'm not mistaken, the Cubs are very small planes with fabric coverings on their wings and a light aluminum airframe (tubes for fuselage covered with doped cloth). Unlike the bigger metal planes, the Cubs/L-4's might get dirty, but paint wouldn't flake or peel off that I know of.

I will probably add some details for the door on the right side of the fuselage and any others I can find online.

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Very slight highlights over the ribs on the wings, from weathering (the ribs will be slightly raised, since the fabric sucks in when it is stretched). Possibly some small flecks on the leading edges from smashed bugs; oil stains & dirt around the exhaust & under the cowl. That's about as much as I can think of...

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