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AVSIM V2.0 launches today

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A host of new features await you, as well old favourites are available to allow you to quickly access the latest releases by category in the File Library News

The What’s New link in the Library has a beautiful layout of the files with pictures now included , and the scan feature allows the weeks uploads at a glance.

The Forums are abuzz with reactions, as is the way of things not all are happy to see such a radical change and some good suggestions have been presented to build on the progress , patience on all our parts will make it work.

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As with all things it will take a little getting used to but I like the new format.


I had AVSIM in my Firefox 'Observation Post' folder - which is sites that I visit every day. In the new format, I found it difficult to find the newest files for FSX - used to be right in front of your face and updated each day - but I couldn't find the 'latest files' link they mentioned, and it also wouldn't accept my log-in.

I'm a grumpy old fart (if you hadn't noticed...) and set in my ways.

I used to have Simviation in that place - until they started blatantly presenting commercially copyrighted material for public download and scoffed at my suggestion they should remove it.

That's when I switched to AVSIM.

Now I've switched to SOH :D

No doubt, in a few months I'll be going somewhere different, too! :rolleyes:



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I like it!

@JD - do you have a forum log-in? The new system requires this. The 'New Files' will be under Library News

Yes, I have a forum log-in which is the same as here (my old AVSIM was different) - I did spot that after I'd tried to log in, but by then it was too late! :th_smiles73:

I tried that new files link, but for some reason I didn't see what I expected - tbh I can't remember now, didn't expect to need to remember, so I just flushed the memory down the pan.

I'm sure I'll visit there now and then - just not every day. The only reason for the daily visit was to check the files as they were put in the library - otherwise, it's too easy to miss something potentially useful or interesting.

It's a shame FlighSim.com require payment of subs yearly, rather than monthly, as their download limit is pretty slow (50KB/s). If it was monthly, I'd have no qualms about paying for the upkeep of the site.


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Tried the new AVSIM Library and I find it O.K. Given that I was registered with the AVSIM Forum, 'registering' for the new system required me only to give my name. After finding out what this was - from Pam - I was away! :whis:

After a couple of cycles through the 'What's New?' section, I couldn't remember what the old format was like, so that's all right, then! The 'Search' facility feels quite similar to the old system, except for the removal of the 'back to previous page' option, where you could edit your search criteria after an unsuccessful search. The new system resets all the search fields to blank fields in both Quick and Advanced options. Not good, I'm afraid.

The Forum uses the same 'engine' as our own Hangar - so that's Good! :thum:

And it's nice to see that Just Flight are sponsoring AVSIM - their adverts (for IL-2 Sturmovik - Cliffs of Dover) are plastered all over the place...

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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  • 1 month later...

I see AVSIM are again trying the "What's New" thing again with their file library.

Not really happy with that and that's because instead of listing the links to the new files as they did on the front page, the link leads to a list as per the files library - so you get each file presented in detail, on a total of 21 pages.

I don't know what the thinking behind the order is, but the first page is full of sounds for FS9 - I don't even have FS9, so it's of no use to me whatsoever.

So, it looks like I would have to go through all 21 pages, just to see if there is an FSX file that I like the look of.

I really can't see that being popular - I think AVSIM are setting themselves up for more trouble (read 'complaints') from members. The original list idea seems so obviously the thing to do, I really can't understand why it should be made more awkward for visitors - seems crazy.


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