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Many of you will not know, I'm currently doing a physics degree, so I thought I'd share with you a few links to things that I think show off my subject best, and help explain why it's so fascinating!

The first link is the Astronomy Picture of the Day, along with a description of what it shows.


Second is the final in a series of programmes by Professor Brian Cox on the Wonders of the Universe. For the non-UK members, I thoroughly recommend the series on DVD!


Thirdly, a pair of programmes by Prof. Jim Al-Khalili about Everything and Nothing, which are very, very interesting and even include interviews with my current Cosmology lecturer!


Finally, http://www.heavens-above.com/ is a website with various different models, and also can tell you exactly when satellites such as the International Space Station will pass overhead and be visible!

If you get any spare time to look at these, I'm sure you'll be enthralled!

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Cosmology is such an incredible subject - and those links are well worth looking at, Phil. I sometimes wish I was back at college...

Mind you, all that dark matter and dark energy (both hot and cold, etc) does leave a little to be desired in the way of explaining the universe, eh?

I remember asking you if you'd come across plasma physics - is that part fo the syllabus? It's a bit crude, but it does make a change from neutron stars and black holes revolving at incredible rates. Maybe I'm just clutching at straws?

Anyway, great to know you're finding the course so interesting - wish I was there!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Interesting stuff. To bad I can't see the BBC-episodes.. while it has nothing what so ever to do with my work it's a subject that I find very interesting.

I'm guessing you've already read "A Brief History of Time" and "The Universe in a nutshell" by Stephen Hawkins. If not, I can really recommend them. Makes the subject understandable even to a "bean counter" like myself :th_smiles73:

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I've been following the Astronomy Picture of the Day website for years. It's the first thing I do each morning when I boot up the PC.

They have some amazing photos and information.

Good luck with your studies.

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Dai - I haven't yet come across much Plasma Physics unfortunately! The first year focuses heavily on the elementary stuff in all areas, though I'm also doing the optional 'Introduction to Astronomy' which has been really interesting!

Micke - I haven't read any Stephen Hawking yet actually! However if you enjoyed them then I recommend 'Why does E=mc^2 and why should we care?', which explains relativity very cleverly...

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I always enjoyed Physics, but was told not to even both attempting it at A-Level if I wasn't going to do Maths aswell.

The 'Wonders of the Universe' series was fantastic, and make a difficult/confusing subject much more understandable. If only he didn't smile so much

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