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Hi Lads (and Lasses!)

You will have noticed that the Hangar Banner has changed now that Mutley's Easter Bunny Air Rally has gone live. Before asking you for your help in promoting MEBAR 2011, can I thank Joe and Andrew for all the work that they've put into this? Without Joe's seemingly tireless efforts, we wouldn't have the new MEBAR website - and without Andrew's generous assistance and technical advice, we'd never have got off the ground. So, a Big Thank You to you both! :thumbup:

Right, now this is where you all can help. I'm sure you are members of other flight sim forums, so could you possibly post a recommendation there that promotes MEBAR, please? If you are permitted to use hyperlinks in your other forum's posts, could you link to the MEBAR sub-forum here on Muley's together with a few words describing our Rally? That would be really great, thanks! :thum:

And, of course, whilst participation in MEBAR is not strictly mandatory (We know who you are! - Ed) please take this opportunity to support the Hangar's new venture, if you can. :pilotic:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Thanks, Kieran - I've put some posts up at Aerosoft, Earth Simulations, Vorona Aviation, Flight Simulation Forums, Sim-Outhouse Forums...

The more the merrier, Lads!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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I've planted a copy of your Press Release and a link to the forum on the PMDG forum where news on the 737 NGX are published. Should get some attention there hopefully.

Now all I need is to get some time to fly the Test Flight :icon_thumbup:

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I'm really sorry to say this, guys, but I'm having serious issues trying to read about the Easter Rally.

The background colour is really intense on my monitors (both of them) and it pretty much gives me very sore eyes when trying to read it.

I've never come across this happening before. It is a bad time of year for some peoples eyes - so it might just be that - what with hay fever (and in my case Reiters Syndrome and a case of Iritis a few years back) but I'm finding it impossible to read.

I will copy the text and paste it into wordpad or something and read it there - just thought you might like to know.

To me, it's like trying to read text in front of the Sun.

JD :stars:

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This is the first comment we have had about its readability, it sounds as though you are getting a very saturated colour. It is supposed to be a light parchment colour.

Which browser and version are you using JD? as you may be able to disable the styles and make it easier to read.


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hi Joe

I'm using FF3.6.

It's probably peculiar to me, really. As I said, I do have some eye issues, worst of which is the Reiters/iritis and when that's mixed in with hay fever time of year (and low Sun = eyes getting a hiding every day) it's probably connived together to give me a hard time.

I read the text via WordPad, no probs.

This just has never happened to me before, so I was a bit surprised. (and my wife will tell you I really, really don't like magnolia! :lol: ).

Thanks anyway, Joe.

I'm not sure this is something for me, though - I do like the navigational aspect, but I don't go a bundle on timed flights. Only when they are military in type - and timing is important for punctual interaction with allied forces to achieve a common goal. In civil flight it has never interested me, I'm afraid.

Still, I'll be egging you all on - arf! :rofl:


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hi Joe

I'm using FF3.6.

It's probably peculiar to me, really. As I said, I do have some eye issues, worst of which is the Reiters/iritis and when that's mixed in with hay fever time of year (and low Sun = eyes getting a hiding every day) it's probably connived together to give me a hard time.

I read the text via WordPad, no probs.

This just has never happened to me before, so I was a bit surprised. (and my wife will tell you I really, really don't like magnolia! :lol: ).

Thanks anyway, Joe.

I'm not sure this is something for me, though - I do like the navigational aspect, but I don't go a bundle on timed flights. Only when they are military in type - and timing is important for punctual interaction with allied forces to achieve a common goal. In civil flight it has never interested me, I'm afraid.

Still, I'll be egging you all on - arf! :rofl:


Hi JD,

Thanks for the reply, I am pleased you have managed to get the information you need. What I was going to suggest is that you could disable the styles, that effectively strips out all the colour (But also the formatting).

Sorry it's not to your liking, feel free to use the flight and weather files we created for the event. If I come across a maverick flying the course at mach2 I know it is you!


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I've heard from other sources that pastel backgrounds can be really bad for readability with certain eye conditions. But then high contrast black on white is also really bad for other eye conditions. So you can't win.

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Yeah - I'm feeling more comfortable now than I have for days - wearing my UV tinted specs indoors - including reading/writing this!

I get some new specs on Monday, so hope that will help.

...and thanks, Joe, I certainly will. :001_th_smiles89:


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I've rolled this out to the members of the local flight sim club via an e-mail, alerting all that the MEBAR is on. I hope we get some entries from here to round out the roster.


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This Rally looks really cool, but I dont know what plane to use, would an F8F Bearcat fit the criteria? and also ive got loads of exams comeing up soon at school and was wondering if I could fly the legs early and still get them posted, or is this not possible,

Sam :001_th_smiles89:

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This Rally looks really cool, but I dont know what plane to use, would an F8F Bearcat fit the criteria? and also ive got loads of exams comeing up soon at school and was wondering if I could fly the legs early and still get them posted, or is this not possible,

Sam :001_th_smiles89:

Hi Sam,

Yes, you can do the whole lot today if you wished, just so long as they are submitted before the deadlines on the FLT Schedule tab. Your results for the flights however will not be published until the dates on that page.

Don't forget you have to do the flight from EGHI to EGKK to register a time.

The Bearcat is a nice choice of aircraft but does break the max cruise speed of 200kts so it would NOT be eligible.

I am sure you can find something a little less sporty!!

Look forward to see you in the rally.

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This Rally looks really cool, but I dont know what plane to use, would an F8F Bearcat fit the criteria? and also ive got loads of exams comeing up soon at school and was wondering if I could fly the legs early and still get them posted, or is this not possible,

Sam :001_th_smiles89:

Hi Sam,

Yes, you can do the whole lot today if you wished, just so long as they are submitted before the deadlines on the FLT Schedule tab. Your results for the flights however will not be published until the dates on that page.

Don't forget you have to do the flight from EGHI to EGKK to register a time.

The Bearcat is a nice choice of aircraft but does break the max cruise speed of 200kts so it would NOT be eligible.

I am sure you can find something a little less sporty!!

Look forward to see you in the rally.

Sounds good, Il join up soon, and I might join the other Sam in the Rally and use an Extra 300 aswell, if I get time il try and give it a quick MEBAR repaint!


Sam :001_th_smiles89:

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:icon_thumbup: Il post some shots of the test flight on the just flight forum, when ive completed it, hopefully that will encourage some of them to have a look at MEBAR. PS Ive finished my quick repaint for the extra 300, theres a few white spots here and there, but nevermind :th_smiles73:




Now for the test flight :icon_thumbup:

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